Prototype Selection for Nearest Neighbor Classification: Taxonomy and Empirical Study - Complementary Material

This Website contains additional material to the SCI2S research paper on Prototype Selection

S. García, J. Derrac, J.R. Cano and F. Herrera, Prototype Selection for Nearest Neighbor Classification: Taxonomy and Empirical Study. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 34:3 (2012) 417-435 doi: 10.1109/TPAMI.2011.142 PDF Icon


  1. Abstract
  2. Survey of PS methods
  3. Experimental study
    1. Short description of the 3 studies performed
    2. Standard data sets with missing values imputation
      1. Experimental setup
      2. Results
    3. Standard data sets without missing values
      1. Experimental setup
      2. Results
    4. Large data sets with missing values imputation
      1. Experimental setup
      2. Results
  4. JAVA code for PS methods


Experimental study

Short description of the 3 studies performed

Three different experimental studies have been carried out in order to compare the performance of the different Protoype Selection methods analyzed in the review:

Standard data sets with missing values imputation

This study includes the original experiments carried out in the paper Sections 4.2 (Analysis and Empirical Results on Small Size Data Sets) and 4.3 (Analysis and Empirical Results on Medium Size Data Sets). The experiments in Section 4.2 analyze 42 different prototype selection methods over 39 small size data sets, whereas the experiments in Section 4.3 analyze 21 different prototype selection methods over 27 medium size data sets.

Some of the data sets (automobile, bands, breast, cleveland, crx, dermatology, hepatitis, housevotes, mammographic, marketing and wisconsin) includes missing values. In order to allow the prototype selection methods to work properly, in this experimental study a simple missing value imputation procedure has been built in the implementacion of the methods provided. This method substitutes each missing value by the attribute mean (attribute mode for nominal features), considering all the instances in the training set.

Standard data sets without missing values

This study includes new experiments performed without missing data. It features a comparison among 21 different prototype selection methods (the same that were selected for the original experiments in Section 4.3 of the paper) over 58 standard data sets (the 39 small size data sets of the original expriments in Section 4.2 plus the 21 medium size data sets of the original expriments in Section 4.3).

In this case, instances including missing values in some of the data sets (automobile, bands, breast, cleveland, crx, dermatology, hepatitis, housevotes, mammographic, marketing and wisconsin) have been removed before the partitioning process. Hence, no missing value imputation procedure has been employed throughout these experiments.

Large data sets and missing value imputation

This study includes the original experiments carried out in the paper Section 5 (Experimental Framework, Empirical Study and Analysis of Results: Large Data Sets). These experiments analyzes 7 different prototype selection methods and 2 approximate nearest neighbor classification techniques over 7 large size data sets.

Two data sets (adult and census) includes missing values. In order to allow the prototype selection methods to work properly, in this experimental study a simple missing value imputation procedure has been built in the implementacion of the methods provided. This method substitutes each missing value by the attribute mean (attribute mode for nominal features), considering all the instances in the training set.

Standard data sets with missing values imputation

Experimental setup


This section describes the experimental setup used for the comparison of the prototype selection methods over standard data sets with missing values imputation. Firstly, a table shows the prototype selection methods included and the parameters set to each one (note that this configuration is the same for each dataset). Then, a second table describes the characteristics of the data sets selected to test the methods.

Prototype selection methods and parameters

Below is shown a table with the prototype selection methods considered and the relevant parameters used in the the experimental study.

All methods use the Euclidean Distance, and k values of 1 and 3 are considered.


AllKNN -
CHC Population=50,#Eval=10000,α=0.5,%inRestart=0.35
CoCoIS Individuals=100, Subpopulations=5, Max Generations=100, M=10, N=10, W=0.9, Mutation=0.1, Subpopulation size=30, WError=0.25, WReduction=0.15, WDifference=0.6, Elitism=0.5, PRnn=0.1, PRandom=0.1, PBit=0.1
CPruner -
ENNTh Noise Threshold = 0.7
ENRBF σ= 1,α= 1
Explore -
GGA Cross= 0.6, Population=51,#Eval=10000,Alpha=0.5, Mutation=0.01
HMNEI ε= 0.1
IB3 Confidence Acceptance = 0.9, Confidence Dropping = 0.7
IGA Population=10,#Eval=10000,Alpha=0.5,Mutation=0.01
IKNN γ=0.1,ξ mul=0.2,ξ exp =-0.5
ModelCS -
Multiedit Number of Subblocks = 3
NCNEdit -
NRMCS Error Threshold = 0.2
PSC #Clusters=12
Reconsistent -
RMHC Size StoT=10, #Mutations=10000
RNG Order of the Graph = 1st_order, Type of Selection = Edition
Shrink -
SSMA Population=30,#Eval=10000,Cross=0.5,Mutation=0.001
SVBPS Kernel=RBF,C =1000,eps=0.001,degree=10,γ=1.0,ν=0.5,p = 1.0,shrinking=0
TRKNN α=1.2
VSM Number of Neighbors = 10

Data sets

The characteristics of the data sets used in the experimental study are shown as follows:

Data sets and 10-fcv partitions can be downloaded


Below we provide several xls files including the full results obtained in the experiments. For each category, the following performance measures are considered: Accuracy (Training), Accuracy (Test), Kappa (Training), Kappa (Test), Reduction, Accuracy x Reduction(Training), Kappa x Reduction(Training), Accuracy x Reduction(Test), Kappa x Reduction(Test) and Time elapsed.

Additionally, the results of pairwise Wilcoxon tests (performed at a α=0.1 level) are reported for all pairwise comparisons among the methods regarding the following performance measures: Accuracy (Test), Kappa (Test), Accuracy x Reduction(Test) and Kappa x Reduction(Test).

Small data sets - 1NN

Small data sets - 3NN

Medium data sets - 1NN

Medium data sets - 3NN

Standard data sets without missing values

Experimental setup

This section describes the experimental setup used for the comparison of the prototype selection methods over standard data sets without missing values. Firstly, a table shows the prototype selection methods included and the parameters set to each one (note that this configuration is the same for each dataset). Then, a second table describes the characteristics of the data sets selected to test the methods.

Prototype selection methods and parameters

Below is shown a table with the prototype selection methods considered and the relevant parameters used in the the experimental study.

All methods use the Euclidean Distance, and k values of 1 and 3 are considered.

AllKNN -
CHC Population=50,#Eval=10000,α=0.5,%inRestart=0.35
CPruner -
GGA Cross= 0.6, Population=51,#Eval=10000,Alpha=0.5, Mutation=0.01
HMNEI ε= 0.1
IB3 Confidence Acceptance = 0.9, Confidence Dropping = 0.7
ModelCS -
Reconsistent -
RMHC Size StoT=10, #Mutations=10000
RNG Order of the Graph = 1st_order, Type of Selection = Edition
SSMA Population=30,#Eval=10000,Cross=0.5,Mutation=0.001

Data sets

The characteristics of the data sets used in the experimental study are shown as follows:

Data sets and 10-fcv partitions can be downloaded


Below we provide several xls files including the full results obtained in the experiments. For each category, the following performance measures are considered: Accuracy (Training), Accuracy (Test), Kappa (Training), Kappa (Test). The results of the first experiment also includes the Reduction and Time elapsed performance measures.

First Experiment - 1NN

Second Experiment - 3NN

Large data sets and missing value imputation

Experimental setup

This section describes the experimental setup used for the comparison of the prototype selection methods over standard data sets without missing values. Firstly, two tables show the prototype selection methods included, the parameters set to each one and the parameters considered for stratification (note that this configuration is the same for each dataset). Then, a third table describes the characteristics of the data sets selected to test the methods.

Prototype selection methods and parameters

All methods use the Euclidean Distance, and k values of 1 and 3 are considered.

Below is shown a table with the prototype selection methods considered and the relevant parameters used in the the experimental study.


HMNEI ε= 0.1
RMHC Size StoT=10, #Mutations=10000
RNG Order of the Graph = 1st_order, Type of Selection = Edition
SSMA Population=30,#Eval=10000,Cross=0.5,Mutation=0.001
BBD-Tree ε= 0.1, Bucket size =3, Splitting Rule = Sliding- midpoint rule, Shrinking rule = Simple shrink rule, Search algorithm = Standard search
LSH Hashing function = Random hyperplane

For stratified methods, the strata size is selected triying to set it as near as possible to 10000 instances. Therefore, the number of strata selected for each data set is the following (all stratified PS methods shares this configuration)

Dataset Total instances Training instances #Strata Instances/Strata
adult 48842 43958 4 10989
census 299285 269357 27 9976
connect-4 67557 60801 6 10133
fars 100968 90871 9 10096
kddcup 494020 444618 45 9880
poker 1025010 922509 92 10027
shuttle 58000 52200 5 10440

Data sets

The characteristics of the data sets employed in the experimental study are shown as follows:


Below we provide an xls file including the full results obtained in the experiments.The following performance measures are considered: Accuracy (Training), Accuracy (Test), Kappa (Training), Kappa (Test), Reduction, Accuracy x Reduction(Training), Kappa x Reduction(Training), Accuracy x Reduction(Test), Kappa x Reduction(Test), Time elapsed (Model), Time elapsed (Training) and Time elapsed (Test).

Additionally, the results of pairwise Wilcoxon tests (performed at a α=0.1 level) are reported for all pairwise comparisons among the methods regarding the following performance measures: Accuracy (Test), Kappa (Test), Accuracy x Reduction(Test) and Kappa x Reduction(Test).

Large data sets