Web of Science Query Partitioner

WoS Query Partitioner is a tool that interactively splits a Web of Science query which returns more than 100,000 results into smaller queries to allow to easily obtain an exact result count.

It does work by splitting the query using the Source field (SO) in a kind of Divide and Conquer recursive strategy.

In addition the application offers two different kinds of graphs which depict the partitioning process as well as a LaTeX table output of the executed queries.

The details of its inner workings can be found in the associated paper:

S. Alonso, F.J. Cabrerizo, E. Herrera-Viedma, F. Herrera. WoS Query Partitioner: A tool to retrieve very large numbers of items from the Web of Science using different source based partitioning approaches. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 61:8 (2010) 1582-1597. doi: 10.1002/asi.21360 



Please refer to the instructions & troubleshooting section if you have any problems or questions about the application use.