About SCI2S
The research group "Soft Computing and Intelligent Information Systems" (SCI2S) (http://sci2s.ugr.es) was created in 2001 for a set of researchers who work in Soft Computing and had begun to collaborate few years earlier. Throughout these 14 years the group has grown and expanded its areas of work in different fields of Computational Intelligence, Biometrics, Bibliometrics, Data Science and Big Data, etc ... and applied fields such as bioinformatics, information retrieval, image registration, decision making , etc ...
Francisco Herrera is the director of the research group.
The group consists of more than 50 researchers among doctors and PhD students, with researchers from different departments, such as Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Software Engineering Department, and Library and Information Science at the University of Granada. Throughout these years many researchers have gone through the research group and currently they are working both in academic environment and industry. Many of them have a continuing collaboration with the group as co-researchers.
The group is organized into seven laboratories led by senior researchers according to the seven areas that identify the research group. Group members are associated with one or more laboratories according to their fields of work. The laboratories are the following ones:
- Evolutionary and Fuzzy Data Mining and Intelligent Systems (EFDaMIS Lab)
- Bioinformatics. Mining, Modeling, Annotating, Predicting (M4M Lab)
- Decision Making (DECMAK Lab)
- SOft Computing applications for Complex EnviRonments (Soccer Lab)
- Genetic Algorithms and Biologically Inspired Computation (GABIC Lab)
- SECABA - Quality Evaluation and Information Retrieval (SECABA Lab)
- Distributed Computational Intelligence and Time Series (DiCITS Lab)