Journal Contributions: Published
Jump to Year: 2009 2008 2007 2006 2004 2003 2002
2009 |
P. Kralj, N. Lavrac, G.I. Webb. Supervised Descriptive Rule Discovery: A Unifying Survey of Contrast Set, Emerging Pattern and Subgroup Mining. Journal of Machine Learning Research 10 (2009) 377-403 |
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2008 |
M. Atzmueller, F. Puppe. A case-based approach for characterization and analysis of subgroup patterns. Applied Intelligence 28 (2008) 210-221 |
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2007 |
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D. Gamberger, N. Lavrac, A. Krstacic, G. Krstacic. Clinical data analysis based on iterative subgroup discovery: experiments in brain ischaemia data analysis. Applied Intelligence 27 (2007) 205-217 |
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2006 |
B. Kavsek, N. Lavrac. APRIORI-SD: Adapting association rule learning to subgroup discovery. Applied Artificial Intelligence 20:7 (2006) 543-583 |
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F. Zelezny, N. Lavrac. Propositionalization-based relational subgroup discovery with RSD. Machine Learning 62:1-2 (2006) 33-63 |
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2004 |
D. Gamberger, N. Lavrac, F. Zelezny, J. Tolar. Induction of comprehensible models for gene expression datasets by subgroup discovery methodology.. Journal of Biomedical Informatics 37:4 (2004) 269-284 |
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B. Kavsek, N. Lavrac. Using subgroup discovery to analyze the UK traffic data. Metodoloski zvezki 1:1 (2004) 249-264 |
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N. Lavrac, B. Kavsek, P. Flach, L. Todorovski. Subgroup Discovery with CN2-SD. Journal of Machine Learning Research 5 (2004) 153-188 |
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N. Lavrac, B. Cestnik, D. Gamberger, P. Flach. Decision support through subgroup discovery: three case studies and the lessons learned. Machine Learning 57:1-2 (2004) 115-143 |
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2003 |
D. Gamberger, N. Lavrac, G. Krstacic. Active subgroup mining: a case study in coronary heart disease risk group detection. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 28:1 (2003) 27-57 |
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2002 |
D. Gamberger, N. Lavrac. Expert-Guided Subgroup Discovery: Methodology and Application. Journal of AI Research 17 (2002) 501-527 |
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Contributions to Books Chapters
Jump to Year: 2008 2005 2002 2001 2000 1996
2008 |
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2005 |
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2002 |
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2001 |
S. Wrobel. Inductive logic programming for knowledge discovery in databases. In:
S. Dzeroski, N. Lavrac (Eds.) Relational Data Mining, Springer, 2001, 74-101 |
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2000 |
M.A. Krogel. A Data Mining Case Study. Technical Report. In:
P. van der Putten, M. van Someren (Eds.) CoIL Challenge 2000: The Insurance Company Case, Sentient Machine Research, 2000, 0-0 |
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1996 |
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Conference Contributions
Jump to Year: 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 1999 1997
2007 |
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P. Kralj, N. Lavrac, D. Gamberger, A. Krstacic. Contrast Set Mining through Subgroup Discovery Applied to Brain Ischaemia Data. 11th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD 2007). Nanjing (China, 2007) 579-586 |
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J.P. Lucas, A.M. Jorge, F. Pereira, A.M. Pernas, A.A. Machado. A Tool for Interactive Subgroup Discovery Using Distribution Rules. 13th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence (EPIA 2007). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4874, Springer-Verlag 2007 (2007) 426-436 |
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2006 |
M. Atzmueller, F. Puppe. A methodological view on knowledge-intensive subgroup discovery. 15th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW 2006). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4248, Springer-Verlag 2006, Podebrady (Czech Republic, 2006) 318-325 |
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M. Atzmueller, F. Puppe. SD-Map - A fast algorithm for exhaustive subgroup discovery. 10th European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (PKDD 2006). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4213, Springer-Verlag 2006, Berlin (Germany, 2006) 6-17 |
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G.C. Garriga, P. Kralj, N. Lavrac. Closed sets for labeled data. 10th European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (PDDD 2006). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4213, Springer-Verlag 2006, Berlin (Germany, 2006) 163-174 |
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A.M. Jorge, F. Pereira, P.J. Azevedo. Visual Interactive Subgroup Discovery with numerical properties of interest. 9th International Conference on Discovery Science (DS 2006). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4265, Springer-Verlag 2006, Barcelona (Spain, 2006) 301-305 |
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I. Trajkovski, F. Zelezny, J. Tolar, N. Lavrac. Relational subgroup discovery for descriptive analysis of microarray data. 2nd international symposium in Computational life sciences (CompLife 2006). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4216, Springer-Verlag 2006, Berlin (Germany, 2006) 86-96 |
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M. Wurst, M. Scholz. Distributed subgroup mining. 10th European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (PKDD 2006). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4213, Springer-Verlag 2006, Berlin (Germany, 2006) 421-433 |
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2005 |
P. Kralj, N. Lavrac, B. Zupan. Subgroup Visualization. 8th International Multiconference Information Society (IS 2005). Ljubljana (Slovenia, 2005) 228-231 |
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N. Lavrac, D. Gamberger. Relevancy in constraint-based subgroup discovery. European Workshop on Inductive Databases and Constraint Based Mining. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3848, Springer-Verlag 2005, Hinterzarten (Germany, 2005) 243-266 |
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N. Lavrac. Subgroup Discovery Techniques and Applications. XIXth Pacific-Asia Conference Advances in Knowledge Discovery, Data Mining (PAKDD'05). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3518, Springer-Verlag 2005, Hanoi (Vietnam, 2005) 2-14 |
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N. Lavrac, F. Zelezny, S. Dzeroski. Local Patterns: Theory and Practice of Constraint-Based Relational Subgroup Discovery. International Seminar on Local Pattern Detection. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3539, Springer-Verlag 2005, Dagstuhl Castle (Germany, 2005) 71-88 |
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M. Scholz. Sampling-based sequential subgroup mining. 11th ACM SIGKDD International conference on Knowledge discovery in data mining (KDD 2005). Hyatt Regency (USA, 2005) 265-274 |
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A. Zimmermann, L. De Raedt. Inductive Querying for Discovering Subgroups and Clusters. European Workshop on Inductive Databases and Constraint Based Mining. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3848, Springer-Verlag 2005, Hinterzarten (Germany, 2005) 380-399 |
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2004 |
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M. Atzmueller, F. Puppe, H.P. Buscher. Exploiting Background Knowledge for Knowledge-Intensive Subgroup Discovery. International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-05). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 0, Springer-Verlag 2004, Edinbourgh (Scotland, 2004) 647-652 |
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B. Kavsek, N. Lavrac, L. Todorovski. ROC Analysis of Example Weighting in Subgroup Discovery. Ist International Workshop on ROC Analysis in Artificial Intelligence (ROCAI'04). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 0, Springer-Verlag 2004, Valencia (Spain, 2004) 55-60 |
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B. Kavsek, N. Lavrac. Analysis of Example Weighting in Subgroup Discovery by Comparison of Three Algorithms on a Real-life Data Set.. XVth European Conference on Machine Learning AND VIIIth European Conference on Principles, Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML'04 AND PKDD'04). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 0, 2004, Pisa (Italy, 2004) 64-76 |
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A. Zimmermann, L. De Raedt. Cluster-grouping: From subgroup discovery to clustering. Machine Learning (ECML'04). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3201, Springer 2004, Pisa (Italy, 2004) 575-577 |
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2003 |
D. Gamberger, T. Smuc, N. Lavrac. Subgroup discovery: on-line data minig server, its application. Vth International Conference on Simulations in Biomedicine. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 0, Springer-Verlag 2003, Ljubljana (Slovenia, 2003) 433-442 |
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B. Kavsek, N. Lavrac, V. Jovanoski. APRIORI-SD: Adapting Association Rule Learning to Subgroup Discovery. V Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis (IDA'03). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2810, Springer-Verlag 2003, Berlin (Germany, 2003) 230-241 |
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M.A. Krogel, S. Rawles, F. Zelezny, P. Flach, N. Lavrac, S. Wrobel. Comparative Evaluation of Approaches to Propositionalization. XIIIth International Conference in Inductive Logic Programming (ILP'03). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 0, Springer-Verlag 2003, Szeged (Hungary, 2003) 197-214 |
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T. Nakada, S. Kunifuji. Subgroup discovery among personal homepages. Discovery Science (DS03). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2843, Springer-Verlag 2003, Sapporo (Japan, 2003) 385-392 |
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F. Zelezny, N. Lavrac, S. Dzeroski. Constraint-Based Relational Subgroup Discovery. II Workshop on Multi-Relational Data Mining (MRDM'03). Washington (USA, 2003) 135-150 |
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2002 |
D. Gamberger, N. Lavrac. Descriptive induction through subgroup discovery: A case study in a medical domain. International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML'02). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 0, Springer-Verlag 2002, Sidney (Australia, 2002) 163-170 |
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D. Gamberger, N. Lavrac. Generating Actionable Knowledge by Expert-Guided Subgroup Discovery. Principles of Data Mining, Knowledge Discovery (PKDD'02). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 0, Springer-Verlag 2002, Helsinki (Finland, 2002) 163-174 |
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B. Kavsek, N. Lavrac, J.C. Bullas. Rule induction for subgroup discovery: a case study in mining UK traffic accident data. International Multi-Conference on Information Society (IS'02). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 0, Springer-Verlag 2002, Ljubljana (Slovenia, 2002) 127-130 |
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N. Lavrac, P. Flach, B. Kavsek, L. Todorovski. Rule induction for subgroup discovery with CN2-SD. Workshop on Integration and Collaboration Aspects of Data Mining, Decision Support and Meta-Learning (ECML/PKDD'02). Helsinki (Finland, 2002) 77-87 |
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N. Lavrac, F. Zelezny, P. Flach. RSD: Relational Subgroup Discovery through First-Order Feature Construction. XII International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming (ILP'02). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2583, Springer 2002, Sidney (Australia, 2002) 149-165 |
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N. Lavrac, P. Flach, B. Kavsek, L. Todorovski. Adapting classification rule induction to subgroup discovery. IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM'02). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 0, Springer-Verlag 2002, Maebashi City (Japan, 2002) 266-273 |
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N. Lavrac, D. Wettschereck, D. Gamberger. Subgroup visualization: a method and application in population screening. Intelligent Data Analysis in Medicine and Pharmacology (IDAMAP'02). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 0, Springer-Verlag 2002, Lyon (France, 2002) 31-35 |
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1999 |
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N. Lavrac, P. Flach, B. Zupan. Rule evaluation measures: A unifying view. IX International Workshop on Inductive Logic Programming (ILP'99). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1634, Springer 1999, Bled (Slovenia, 1999) 174-185 |
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1997 |
S. Wrobel. An algorithm for multi-relational discovery of subgroups. I European Symposium on Principles of Kdd (PKDD'97). Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1263, Springer-Verlag 1997, Trondheim (Norway, 1997) 78-87 |
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