Special Session: Fuzzy Decision-Making: Consensus and Missing Preferences
Organizers: Enrique Herrera-Viedma, Francisco Chiclana, Yucheng Dong and Francisco Javier Cabrerizo
This session has been provisionally accepted for the FUZZ-IEEE 2016 conference which will be held as part of the 2016 IEEE WCCI in Vancouver, Canada at July 25-29, 2016.
The development of formal mathematical models to support experts in making decisions is of great importance to assure the validity of the actions derived from a decision outcome is theoretically sound. This is of special relevance in decision contexts where the information on the problem at hand is not amenable to be modeled in a quantitative and precise way. Another issue to be addressed is that of inconsistency of information and the dynamic nature of the decision making process itself. This type of decision-making is now being described as decision-making under uncertainty in inconsistent and dynamic environments.
Objectives and Scope
This special session aims at gathering researchers with an interest in the research area described above. Specifically, we are interested in contributions towards the development of consensus models for such decision-making problems, as well as formal approaches that are able to support incomplete or missing information.
Contributions to this special session are expected to pay special attention to the rigorous motivation of the approaches put forward and to support all aspects of the models developed with a corresponding theoretical sound framework. Straight approaches lacking such scientific approach are discouraged.
Indicative, but not complete, lists of topics covered in this focus session include:
- Consensus in group decision-making
- Consistency in fuzzy preference modeling
- Missing preferences in fuzzy decision making
- Aggregation of fuzzy preferences
- Consensus measures
- Consensus and fuzzy ontologies
- Consensus software tools
- Fuzzy decision in Web 2.0
If you are interested in taking part on this special session, please submit your paper directly through the WCCI web site selecting the option "Main research topic": Special Session on Fuzzy Decision Making: Consensus and Missing Preferences. You can find further information related to the submission process and important dates at conference web site.
Papers submitted for special sessions are to be peer-reviewed with the same criteria used for the rest of contributed papers. As a result, all accepted papers will be included in the proceedings of the FUZZ-IEEE 2016.
Organizers and Contact
- Enrique Herrera-Viedma. Contact information:
Email address: viedma@decsai.ugr.es
Postal address: Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, University of Granada, E-18071 Granada, Spain
Telephone number: +34-958-244258
Fax Number: +34 958 243317 - Francisco Chiclana. Contact information:
Email address: chiclana@dmu.ac.uk
Postal address: School of Computer Science and Informatics, De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH UK
Telephone number: +44 (0)116 207 8413 - Yucheng Dong. Contact information:
Email address: ycdong@scu.edu.cn
Postal address: Business School, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China - Francisco Javier Cabrerizo. Contact information:
Email address: cabrerizo@issi.uned.es
Postal address: Distance Learning University of Spain (UNED), 28040 Madrid, Spain
Telephone number: +34 91 3988409