Genetic Fuzzy Systems: Taxonomy, Current Research Trends and Prospects (2009)

2009 (205 papers)

  • Abiyev, Rahib H. Fuzzy wavelet neural network for prediction of electricity consumption. Ai Edam-Artificial Intelligence For Engineering Design Analysis And Manufacturing 23:2 (2009) 109-118, doi:10.1017/S0890060409000018.
  • Alcalá, R.; Alcalá-Fdez, J.; Gacto, M.J.; Herrera, F. Improving Fuzzy Logic Controllers Obtained by Experts: A Case Study in HVAC Systems. Applied Intelligence 31:1 (2009) 15-30, doi:10.1007/s10489-007-0107-6.
  • Alcala, Rafael; Ducange, Pietro; Herrera, Francisco; Lazzerini, Beatrice; Marcelloni, Francesco. A Multiobjective Evolutionary Approach to Concurrently Learn Rule and Data Bases of Linguistic Fuzzy-Rule-Based Systems. IEEE Transactions On Fuzzy Systems (2009) 17:5 1106-1122, doi:10.1109/TFUZZ.2009.2023113.
  • Alcalá-Fdez, J.; Alcalá, R.; Gacto, M.J.; Herrera, F. Learning the Membership Function Contexts for Mining Fuzzy Association Rules by Using Genetic Algorithms. Fuzzy Sets And Systems 160:7 (2009) 905-921, doi:10.1016/j.fss.2008.05.012.
  • Ali, Sk. Faruque; Ramaswamy, Ananth. Optimal fuzzy logic control for MDOF structural systems using evolutionary algorithms. Engineering Applications Of Artificial Intelligence 22:3 (2009)407-419, doi:10.1016/j.engappai.2008.09.004.
  • Aliev, R. A.; Guirimov, B. G.; Fazlollahi, Bijan; Aliev, R. R. Evolutionary algorithm-based learning of fuzzy neural networks. Part 2: Recurrent fuzzy neural networks. Fuzzy Sets And Systems 160:17 (2009) 2553-2566, doi:10.1016/j.fss.2008.12.018.
  • Amjady, Nima; Hemmati, Meisam. Day-ahead price forecasting of electricity markets by a hybrid intelligent system. European Transactions On Electrical Power 19:1 (2009) 89-102, doi:10.1002/etep.242.
  • Anh, Ho Pham Huy; Kwan Ahn, Kyoung. Identification of pneumatic artificial muscle manipulators by a MGA-based nonlinear NARX fuzzy model. Mechatronics 19:1 (2009) 106-133, doi:10.1016/j.mechatronics.2008.06.004.
  • Antonelli, M., Ducange, P., Lazzerini, B., Marcelloni, F. Learning concurrently partition granularities and rule bases of Mamdani fuzzy systems in a multi-objective evolutionary framework. International Journal Of Approximate Reasoning 50:7 (2009) 1066-1080, doi:10.1016/j.ijar.2009.04.004.
  • Awadallah, M. A.; Soliman, H. M. A Neuro-fuzzy Adaptive Power System Stabilizer Using Genetic Algorithms. Electric Power Components and Systems 37:2 (2009) 158-173, doi:10.1080/15325000802388740.
  • Awadallah, Mohamed A.; Bayoumi, Ehab H. E.; Soliman, Hisham M. Adaptive Deadbeat Controllers for Brushless DC Drives Using PSO and Anfis Techniques. Journal of Electrical Engineering-Elektrotechnicky Casopis 60:1 (2009)3-11, .
  • Bardossy, Gergely; Halasz, Gabor; Winter, Janos. Prognosis of urban water consumption using hybrid fuzzy algorithms. Journal of Water Supply Research and Technology-Aqua 58:3 (2009) 203-211, doi:10.2166/aqua.2009.092.
  • Berizzi, A.; Bovo, C.; Cirio, D.; Delfanti, M.; Merlo, M.; Pozzi, M. Online fuzzy voltage collapse risk quantification. Electric Power Systems Research 79:5 (2009)740-749, doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2008.10.010.
  • Botta, Alessio; Lazzerini, Beatrice; Marcelloni, Francesco; Stefanescu, Dan C. Context adaptation of fuzzy systems through a multi-objective evolutionary approach based on a novel interpretability index. Soft Computing 13:5 (2009) 437-449, doi:10.1007/s00500-008-0360-6.
  • Botzheim, J.; Cabrita, C.; Koczy, L. T.; Ruano, A. E. Fuzzy Rule Extraction by Bacterial Memetic Algorithms. International Journal Of Intelligent Systems 24:3 (2009) 312-339, doi:10.1002/int.20338.
  • Casillas, Jorge; Martínez, Pedro; Benítez, Alicia D. Learning consistent, complete and compact sets of fuzzy rules in conjunctive normal form for regression problems. Soft Computing 13:5 (2009) 451-465, doi:10.1007/s00500-008-0361-5.
  • Casillas, Jorge; Martinez-Lopez, Francisco J. Mining uncertain data with multiobjective genetic fuzzy systems to be applied in consumer behaviour modelling. Expert Systems With Applications 36:2 (2009) 1645-1659, doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2007.11.035.
  • Castro, Marco Antonio; Herrera, Francisco. Finding Fuzzy Identification System Parameters Using A New Dynamic Migration Period-Based Distributed Genetic Algorithm. DYNA-Colombia (2009) 76:159 77-83
  • Celeste, Alcigeimes B.; Billib, Max. Evaluation of stochastic reservoir operation optimization models. Advances In Water Resources (2009) 32:9 1429-1443, doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2009.06.008.
  • Chan, F. T. S.; Kumar, V.; Tiwari, M. K. The relevance of outsourcing and leagile strategies in performance optimization of an integrated process planning and scheduling model. International Journal Of Production Research 47:1 (2009) 119-142, doi:10.1080/00207540600818195.
  • Chan, P. T.; Rad, A. B.; Ho, M. L. A Study on Lateral Control of Autonomous Vehicles via Fired Fuzzy Rules Chromosome Encoding Scheme. Journal Of Intelligent & Robotic Systems (2009) 56:4 441-467, doi:10.1007/s10846-009-9330-1.
  • Chang, Pei-Chann; Fan, Chin-Yuan; Liu, Chen-Hao. Integrating a Piecewise Linear Representation Method and a Neural Network Model for Stock Trading Points Prediction. IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics Part C-Applications and Reviews 39:1 (2009)80-92, doi:10.1109/TSMCC.2008.2007255.
  • Chang, Ping-Teng; Lin, Kuo-Ping; Lin, Chih-Sheng; Hung, Kuo-Chen; Hung, Lung-Ting; Hsu, Ban-Dar. Developing a Fuzzy Bicluster Regression to Estimate Heat Tolerance in Plants by Chlorophyll Fluorescence. IEEE Transactions On Fuzzy Systems 17:3 (2009) 485-504, doi:10.1109/TFUZZ.2008.924216.
  • Chavarnakul, Thira; Enke, David. A hybrid stock trading system for intelligent technical analysis-based equivolume charting. Neurocomputing (2009) 72:16-18 3517-3528, doi:10.1016/j.neucom.2008.11.030.
  • Chen, Ch.H.; Hong, T.P.; Tseng, V.S.; Lee, Ch.S. A genetic-fuzzy mining approach for items with multiple minimum supports, Soft Computing 13-5 (2009) 521-533, doi:10.1007/s00500-008-0366-0
  • Chen, Cheng-Hung; Lin, Cheng-Jian; Lin, Chin-Teng. Nonlinear System Control Using Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Networks Based on a Modified Differential Evolution. IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics Part C-Applications and Reviews 39:4 (2009) 459-473, doi:10.1109/TSMCC.2009.2016572.
  • Chen, Cheng-Hung; Lin, Cheng-Jian; Lin, Chin-Teng. Using an Efficient Immune Symbiotic Evolution Learning for Compensatory Neuro-Fuzzy Controller. IEEE Transactions On Fuzzy Systems 17:3 (2009) 668-682, doi:10.1109/TFUZZ.2008.924186.
  • Chen, Chien-An; Chiang, Huann-Keng; Shen, Jing-Chung. Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control of a Magnetic Ball Suspension System. International Journal of Fuzzy Systems 11:2 (2009) 97-106,
  • Chen, Chun-Hao; Hong, Tzung-Pei; Tseng, Vincent S. An improved approach to find membership functions and multiple minimum supports in fuzzy data mining. Expert Systems With Applications 36:6 (2009) 10016-10024, doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2009.01.067.
  • Chen, Debao; Zhao, Chunxia. Data-driven fuzzy clustering based on maximum entropy principle and PSO. Expert Systems With Applications 36:1 (2009)625-633, doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2007.09.066.
  • Chen, P. C.; Chen, C. W.; Chiang, W. L. GA-based modified adaptive fuzzy sliding mode controller for nonlinear systems. Expert Systems With Applications 36:3 (2009)5872-5879, doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2008.07.003.
  • Chen, PC; Fault correction of an airflow signal in a gasoline engine system using a neural fuzzy scheme and genetic algorithm Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part D-Journal of Automobile Engineering 223:D4 (2009) 533-547, doi:10.1243/09544070JAUTO1064.
  • Chen, Po-Chen; Chen, Cheng-Wu; Chiang, Wei-Ling; Yeh, Ken. A Novel Stability Condition And Its Application To Ga-Based Fuzzy Control For Nonlinear Systems With Uncertainty. Journal Of Marine Science And Technology-Taiwan (2009) 17:4 293-299
  • Chen, Ta-Cheng; Tsao, Huei-Ling. Using a hybrid meta-evolutionary rule mining approach as a classification response model. Expert Systems With Applications 36:2 (2009) 1999-2007, doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2007.12.050.
  • Cheng, Kuo-Hsiang. CMAC-based neuro-fuzzy approach for complex system modeling. Neurocomputing 72:7-9 (2009) 1763-1774, doi:10.1016/j.neucom.2008.08.011.
  • Cheng, Min-Yuan; Tsai, Hsing-Chih; Hsieh, Wen-Shan. Web-based conceptual cost estimates for construction projects using Evolutionary Fuzzy Neural Inference Model. Automation in Construction 18:2 (2009) 164-172, doi:10.1016/j.autcon.2008.07.001.
  • Cheng, Min-Yuan; Tsai, Hsing-Chih; Liu, Chih-Lung. Artificial intelligence approaches to achieve strategic control over project cash flows. Automation In Construction 18:4 (2009)386-393, doi:10.1016/j.autcon.2008.10.005.
  • Chidthong, Yupa; Tanaka, Hitoshi; Supharatid, Seree. Developing a hybrid multi-model for peak flood forecasting. Hydrological Processes 23:12 (2009) 1725-1738, doi:10.1002/hyp.7307.
  • Chiou, J. -S.; Liu, M. T. Using Fuzzy Logic Controller And Evolutionary Genetic Algorithm For Automotive Active Suspension System. International Journal Of Automotive Technology (2009) 10:6 703-710, doi:10.1007/s12239-009-0083-4.
  • Chiou, Juing-Shian; Liu, Ming-Tang. Numerical simulation for Fuzzy-PID controllers and helping EP reproduction with PSO hybrid algorithm. Simulation Modelling Practice And Theory (2009) 17:10 1555-1565, doi:10.1016/j.simpat.2009.05.006.
  • Chiou, Juing-Shian; Wang, Kuo-Yang. ACA-based Fuzzy Controller Design for Robot Soccer. International Journal of Fuzzy Systems (2009) 11:3 164-173
  • Chiu, Deng-Yiv; Chen, Ping-Jie. Dynamically exploring internal mechanism of stock market by fuzzy-based support vector machines with high dimension input space and genetic algorithm. Expert Systems With Applications 36:2 (2009) 1240-1248, doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2007.11.022.
  • Choi, Jeoung-Nae; Oh, Sung-Kwun; Pedrycz, Witold. Identification of fuzzy relation models using hierarchical fair competition-based parallel genetic algorithms and information granulation. Applied Mathematical Modelling 33:6 (2009)2791-2807, doi:10.1016/j.apm.2008.08.022.
  • Chung, Hung-Yuan; Wu, Sheng-Ming. Hybrid approaches for regional Takagi-Sugeno static output feedback fuzzy controller design. Expert Systems With Applications 36:2 (2009) 1720-1730, doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2007.11.033.
  • Coelho, Leandro dos Santos; Rodrigues Coelho, Antonio Augusto. Model-free adaptive control optimization using a chaotic particle swarm approach. Chaos Solitons & Fractals 41:4 (2009) 2001-2009, doi:10.1016/j.chaos.2008.08.004.
  • Cpalka, Krzysztof. On evolutionary designing and learning of flexible neuro-fuzzy structures for nonlinear classification. NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-THEORY METHODS & APPLICATIONS71:12(2009) E1659- E1672 doi:10.1016/
  • Dai, Chaohua; Chen, Weirong; Zhu, Yunfang; Zhang, Xuexia. Reactive power dispatch considering voltage stability with seeker optimization algorithm. Electric Power Systems Research 79:10 (2009) 1462-1471, doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2009.04.020.
  • Dai, Chaohua; Chen, Weirong; Zhu, Yunfang; Zhang, Xuexia. Seeker Optimization Algorithm for Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch. IEEE Transactions On Power Systems 24:3 (2009) 1218-1231, doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2009.2021226.
  • de la Ossa, Luis; Gamez, Jose A.; Puerta, Jose M. Learning weighted linguistic fuzzy rules by using specifically-tailored hybrid estimation of distribution algorithms. International Journal Of Approximate Reasoning 50:3 (2009)541-560 , doi:10.1016/j.ijar.2008.11.003.
  • Dechouniotis, Dimitrios; Leontiou, Nikolaos; Dimitropoulos, Xenofontas; Kind, Andreas; Denazis, Spyros. Unveiling the underlying relationships over a network for monitoring purposes. International Journal of Network Management (2009) 19:6 513-526, doi:10.1002/nem.725.
  • Delgado, Myriam Regattieri; Nagai, Elaine Yassue; Ramos de Arruda, Lúcia Valéria. A neuro-coevolutionary genetic fuzzy system to design soft sensors. Soft Computing 13:5 (2009) 481-495, doi:10.1007/s00500-008-0363-3.
  • Dendi, Mouloud A.; Mahfouf, Mahdi; Ross, Jonathan J. A hybrid hierarchical decision support system for cardiac surgical intensive care patients. Part I: Physiological modelling and decision support system design. Artificial Intelligence In Medicine 45:1 (2009)35-52, doi:10.1016/j.artmed.2008.11.009.
  • Devaraj, D.; Selvabala, B. Real-coded genetic algorithm and fuzzy logic approach for real-time tuning of proportional-integral-derivative controller in automatic voltage regulator system. IET Generation Transmission & Distribution 3:7 (2009) 641-649, doi:10.1049/iet-gtd.2008.0287.
  • Doitsidis, L.; Tsourveloudis, N. C.; Piperidis, S. Evolution of Fuzzy Controllers for Robotic Vehicles: The Role of Fitness Function Selection. Journal Of Intelligent & Robotic Systems (2009) 56:4 469-484, doi:10.1007/s10846-009-9332-z.
  • Elwer, A. S.; Wahsh, S. A. Improved Performance of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor by using Particle Swarm Optimization Techniques. Journal of Power Electronics 9:2 (2009) 207-214, .
  • Evsukoffa, Alexandre G.; Galichet, Sylvie; de Lima, Beatriz S. L. P.; Ebecken, Nelson F. F. Design of interpretable fuzzy rule-based classifiers using spectral analysis with structure and parameters optimization. Fuzzy Sets And Systems 160:7 (2009)857-881, doi:10.1016/j.fss.2008.08.010.
  • Faucher, J. D.; Caux, S.; Maussion, Pascal. Fuzzy controller tuning of a boost rectifier unity power factor correction by experimental designs. Electrical Engineering (2009) 91:3 167-176, doi:10.1007/s00202-009-0131-0.
  • Feitosa, Raul Q.; Costa, Gilson A. O. P.; Mota, Guilherme L. A.; Pakzad, Kian; Costa, Maria C. O. Cascade multitemporal classification based on fuzzy Markov chains. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 64:2 (2009) 159-170, doi:10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2008.09.011.
  • Fernandez, Alberto; del Jesus, Maria Jose; Herrera, Francisco. Hierarchical fuzzy rule based classification systems with genetic rule selection for imbalanced data-sets. International Journal Of Approximate Reasoning 50:3 (2009) 561-577, doi:10.1016/j.ijar.2008.11.004.
  • Fuat Toprak, Z. Flow Discharge Modeling in Open Canals Using a New Fuzzy Modeling Technique (SMRGT). Clean-Soil Air Water (2009) 37:9 742-752, doi:10.1002/clen.200900146.
  • Fung, Rong-Fong; Weng, Ming-Hong; Kung, Ying-Shieh. FPGA-based adaptive backstepping fuzzy control for a micro-positioning Scott-Russell mechanism. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 23:8 (2009) 2671-2686, doi:10.1016/j.ymssp.2009.01.005.
  • Fung, Rong-Fong; Weng, Ming-Hong; Kung, Ying-Shieh. FPGA-based adaptive backstepping fuzzy control for a micro-positioning Scott-Russell mechanism. Mechanical Systems And Signal Processing (2009) 23:8 2671-2686, doi:10.1016/j.ymssp.2009.01.005.
  • Gacto, M.J.; Alcalá, R.; Herrera, F. Adaptation and Application of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms for Rule Reduction and Parameter Tuning of Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems. Soft Computing 13:5 (2009) 419-436, doi:10.1007/s00500-008-0359-z.
  • Gadoue, S. M.; Giaouris, D.; Finch, J. W. Artificial intelligence-based speed control of DTC induction motor drives-A comparative study. Electric Power Systems Research 79:1 (2009)210-219, doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2008.05.024.
  • Galdi, V.; Piccolo, A.; Siano, P. Exploiting maximum energy from variable speed wind power generation systems by using an adaptive Takagi-Sugeno-Kang fuzzy model.Energy Conversion and Management 50:2 (2009)413-421, doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2008.09.004.
  • Gan, G.; Wu, J.; Yang, Z. A genetic fuzzy k-Modes algorithm for clustering categorical data. Expert Systems With Applications 36:2 (2009) 1615-1620, doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2007.11.045.
  • Gaoua, Said; Ji, Limin; Cheng, Ze; Mohammadi, Farah A.; Yagoub, Mustapha C. E. Fuzzy Neural-Based Approaches for Efficient RF/Microwave Transistor Modeling. International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering 19:1 (2009) 128-139, doi:10.1002/mmce.20323.
  • Ghaffari, A.; Meghdari, A.; Naderi, D.; Eslami, S. Enhancement of the tipover stability of mobile manipulators with non-holonomic constraints using an adaptive neuro-fuzzy-based controller. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part I-Journal of Systems and Control Engineering 223:12 (2009)201-213, doi:10.1243/09596518JSCE633.
  • Ghandar, Adam; Michalewicz, Zbigniew; Schmidt, Martin; To, Thuy-Duong; Zurbrugg, Ralf. Computational Intelligence for Evolving Trading Rules. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 13:1 (2009)71-86, doi:10.1109/TEVC.2008.915992.
  • Gharehgozli, A. H.; Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R.; Zaerpour, N. A fuzzy-mixed-integer goal programming model for a parallel-machine scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup times and release dates. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 25:4-5 (2009)853-859, doi:10.1016/j.rcim.2008.12.005.
  • Gholizadeh, Saeed; Salajegheh, Eysa. Optimal design of structures subjected to time history loading by swarm intelligence and an advanced metamodel. Computer Methods In Applied Mechanics And Engineering (2009) 198:37-40 2936-2949, doi:10.1016/j.cma.2009.04.010.
  • Goktepe, A. B.; Lav, A. H.; Altun, S. Method for optimal vertical alignment of highways. Proceedings Of The Institution Of Civil Engineers-Transport (2009) 162:4 177-188, doi:10.1680/tran.2009.162.4.177.
  • Guenounou, O.; Belmehdi, A.; Dahhou, B. Multi-objective optimization of TSK fuzzy models. Expert Systems With Applications 36:4 (2009)7416-7423, doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2008.09.044.
  • Guo, Hai-Xiang; Zhu, Ke-Jun; Gao, Si-Wei; Li, Yue; Zhou, Jing-Jing. Extracting fuzzy rules based on fusion of Soft Computing in oil exploration management. Expert Systems With Applications 36:2 (2009)2081-2087, doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2007.12.030.
  • Guven, Aytac; Azamathulla, H. Md.; Zakaria, N. A. Linear genetic programming for prediction of circular pile scour. Ocean Engineering (2009) 36:12-13 985-991, doi:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2009.05.010.
  • Hameed, I. A. Simplified architecture of a type-2 fuzzy controller using four embedded type-1 fuzzy controllers and its application to a greenhouse climate control system. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part I-Journal of Systems and Control Engineering 223:I5 (2009) 619-631, doi:10.1243/09596518JSCE708.
  • Harp, Dylan R.; Taha, Mahmoud Reda; Ross, Timothy J. Genetic-Fuzzy Approach for Modeling Complex Systems with an Example Application in Masonry Bond Strength Prediction. Journal Of Computing In Civil Engineering 23:3 (2009) 193-199, doi:10.1061/(ASCE)0887-3801(2009)23:3(193).
  • Hidalgo, Denisse; Castillo, Oscar; Melin, Patricia. Type-1 and type-2 fuzzy inference systems as integration methods in modular neural networks for multimodal biometry and its optimization with genetic algorithms. Information Sciences 179:13 (2009) 2123-2145, doi:10.1016/j.ins.2008.07.013.
  • Ho, Wen-Hsien; Tsai, Jinn-Tsong; Chou, Jyh-Horng. Robust Quadratic-Optimal Control of TS-Fuzzy-Model-Based Dynamic Systems With Both Elemental Parametric Uncertainties and Norm-Bounded Approximation Error. IEEE Transactions On Fuzzy Systems 17:3 (2009) 518-531, doi:10.1109/TFUZZ.2008.924220.
  • Homayouni, Seyed Mahdi; Tang, Sai Hong; Ismail, Napsiah. Development of genetic fuzzy logic controllers for complex production systems. Computers & Industrial Engineering (2009) 57:4 1247-1257, doi:10.1016/j.cie.2009.06.002.
  • Hsu, Yung-Chi; Lin, Sheng-Fuu. Reinforcement group cooperation-based symbiotic evolution for recurrent wavelet-based neuro-fuzzy systems. Neurocomputing 72:10-12 (2009) 2418-2432, doi:10.1016/j.neucom.2008.12.027.
  • Hu, Yi-Chung. Functional-link nets with genetic-algorithm-based learning for robust nonlinear interval regression analysis. Neurocomputing 72:7-9 (2009) 1808-1816 , doi:10.1016/j.neucom.2008.07.002.
  • Hu, Yi-Chung; Tsai, Jung-Fa. Evaluating classification performances of single-layer perceptron with a Choquet fuzzy integral-based neuron. Expert Systems With Applications 36:2 (2009) 1793-1800, doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2007.12.006.
  • Hu, Yi-Chung; Tseng, Fang-Mei. Mining Simplified Fuzzy If-Then Rules For Pattern Classification. International Journal Of Information Technology & Decision Making (2009) 8:3 473-489, doi:10.1142/S021962200900348X.
  • Huang, Haorning; Pasquier, Michel; Quek, Chai. Financial Market Trading System With a Hierarchical Coevolutionary Fuzzy Predictive Model. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 13:1 (2009) 56-70, doi:10.1109/TEVC.2008.911682.
  • Huang, Hong-Zhong; Xu, Huanwei; He, Liping. GA Based Fuzzy Multi-objective Robust Design. Journal Of Multiple-Valued Logic And Soft Computing 15:1 (2009) 39-50,
  • Huang, Z. S.; Wu, C.; Hsu, D. S. Semi-Active Fuzzy Control of Mr Damper on Structures By Genetic Algorithm. Journal of Mechanics 25:1 (2009) N1-N6, .
  • Hung, Jui-Chung. A fuzzy GARCH model applied to stock market scenario using a genetic algorithm. Expert Systems With Applications 36:9 (2009) 11710-11717, doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2009.04.018.
  • Hussein, T.; Saad, M. S.; Elshafei, A. L.; Bahgat, A. Robust adaptive fuzzy logic power system stabilizer. Expert Systems With Applications (2009) 36:10 12104-12112, doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2009.04.013.
  • Jalali-Heravi, M.; Asadollahi-Baboli, M. Quantitative structure-activity relationship study of serotonin (5-HT7) receptor inhibitors using modified ant colony algorithm and adaptive neuro-fuzzy interference system (ANFIS). European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 44:4 (2009) 1463-1470, doi:10.1016/j.ejmech.2008.09.050.
  • Jalali-Heravi, M.; Asadollahi-Baboli, M.; Mani-Varnosfaderani, A. Shuffling multivariate adaptive regression splines and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system as tools for QSAR study of SARS inhibitors. Journal Of Pharmaceutical And Biomedical Analysis (2009) 50:5 853-860, doi:10.1016/j.jpba.2009.07.009.
  • Jamaludin, J.; Rahim, N. A.; Hew, W. P. Development of a self-tuning fuzzy logic controller for intelligent control of elevator systems. Engineering Applications Of Artificial Intelligence (2009) 22:8 1167-1178, doi:10.1016/j.engappai.2009.04.006.
  • Janal, Petr; Stary, Milos. Fuzzy Model Use for Prediction of the State of Emergency of River Basin in the Case of Flash Flood. Journal Of Hydrology and Hydromechanics 57:3 (2009) 145-153, doi:10.2478/v10098-009-0013-1.
  • Juang, Chia-Feng; Hsu, Chia-Hung. Reinforcement Ant Optimized Fuzzy Controller for Mobile-Robot Wall-Following Control. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (2009) 56:10 3931-3940, doi:10.1109/TIE.2009.2017557.
  • Juang, Chia-Feng; Hsu, Chia-Hung. Reinforcement Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Controller Design by Online Rule Generation and Q-Value-Aided Ant Colony Optimization. IEEE Transactions On Systems Man And Cybernetics Part B-Cybernetics (2009) 39:6 1528-1542, doi:10.1109/TSMCB.2009.2020569.
  • Juang, Chia-Feng; Lu, Chun-Ming. Ant Colony Optimization Incorporated With Fuzzy Q-Learning for Reinforcement Fuzzy Control. IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics Part A-Systems and Humans 39:3 (2009)597-608, doi:10.1109/TSMCA.2009.2014539.
  • Juang, Chia-Feng; Wang, Chi-Yen. A self-generating fuzzy system with ant and particle swarm cooperative optimization. Expert Systems With Applications 36:3 (2009)5362-5370, doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2008.06.101.
  • Kadkhodaie-Ilkhchi, Ali; Rezaee, M. Reza; Rahimpour-Bonab, Hossain; Chehrazi, Ali. Petrophysical data prediction from seismic attributes using committee fuzzy inference system. COMPUTERS & GEOSCIENCES (2009) 35:12 2314-2330, doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2009.04.010.
  • Kafthodaie-Ilkhchi, Ali; Rahimpour-Bonab, Hossain; Rezaee, Mohammadreza. A committee machine with intelligent systems for estimation of total organic carbon content from petrophysical data: An example from Kangan and Dalan reservoirs in South Pars Gas Field, Iran. Computers & Geosciences 35:3 (2009)459-474, doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2007.12.007.
  • Khayat, Omid; Ebadzadeh, Mohammad Mehdi; Shahdoosti, Hamid Reza; Rajaei, Ramin; Khajehnasiri, Iman. A novel hybrid algorithm for creating self-organizing fuzzy neural networks. Neurocomputing (2009) 73:1-3 517-524, doi:10.1016/j.neucom.2009.06.013.
  • Kilic, Niyazi; Ucan, Osman N.; Osman, Onur. Colonic Polyp Detection in CT Colonography with Fuzzy Rule Based 3D Template Matching. Journal of Medical Systems 33:1 (2009) 9-18, doi:10.1007/s10916-008-9159-3.
  • Kim, Yeesock; Langari, Reza; Hurlebaus, Stefan. Semiactive nonlinear control of a building with a magnetorheological damper system. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 23:2 (2009) 300-315, doi:10.1016/j.ymssp.2008.06.006.
  • Kiranyaz, Serkan; Uhlmann, Stefan; Ince, Turker; Gabbouj, Moncef. Perceptual Dominant Color Extraction by Multidimensional Particle Swarm Optimization. Eurasip Journal On Advances In Signal Processing (2009), doi:10.1155/2009/451638.
  • Kisi, Oezguer. Evolutionary fuzzy models for river suspended sediment concentration estimation. Journal Of Hydrology 372:1-4 (2009) 68-79, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.03.036.
  • Lafontaine, Mario; Moroni, Ofelia; Sarrazin, Mauricio; Roschke, Paul. Optimal Control of Accelerations in a Base-Isolated Building using Magneto-Rheological Dampers and Genetic Algorithms. Journal Of Earthquake Engineering (2009) 13:8 1153-1171, doi:10.1080/13632460902898316.
  • Lam, H. K. Output-feedback synchronization of chaotic systems based on sum-of-squares approach. Chaos Solitons & Fractals 41:5 (2009) 2624-2629, doi:10.1016/j.chaos.2008.09.043.
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