Fuzzy Nearest Neighbor Algorithms: Taxonomy, Experimental analysis and Prospects - Complementary Material
This Website contains complementary material to the paper:
J. Derrac, S. García and F.Herrera, Fuzzy Nearest Neighbor Algorithms: Taxonomy, Experimental analysis and Prospects. Information Sciences 260 (2014) 98-119, doi: 10.1016/j.ins.2013.10.038
The web is organized according to the following summary:
Experimental framework
This section describes the contents of the experimental framework designed to conduct the experiments. It contains the data set partitions used in the experimental study, a summary of all the configurations considered for every method (both fuzzy nearest neighbor and crisp nearest nighbor classifiers) and source codes of the fuzzy nearest neighbor methods analyzed.
Data sets partitions employed in the paper
For the experimental study, we have selected 44 data sets available at KEEL-datasets. In all the experiments, we have adopted a 10-fold cross-validation model, that is, we have split the data-set randomly into 10 folds, each one containing the 10% of the patterns of the data set. Thus, nine folds have been used for training and one for test. Additionaly, instances with missing values have been discarded before generating the folds.
Table 1 summarize the properties of the selected data sets. It shows, for each data-set, the number of instances (#Ins.), the number of attributes (#At.), and the number of classes (#Cl.). The last column of this table contains a link for downloading the 10-fold cross validation partitions for each data-set in KEEL format. All data-sets may be downloaded by clicking here.
Table 1. Summary description of the data sets
Algorithms and parameters
18 different fuzzy nearest neighbor classifiers have been included in the experimental study. Table 2 enumerates them and summarizes their parameter configuration considered. (check this link for a full description of each method).
Table 2. Parameter specification of the fuzzy nearest neighbor classifiers.
Algorithm | Parameters |
CFKNN | k = {3,5,7,9}, α = 0.6 |
D-SKNN | k = {3,5,7,9}, α = 0.95, β = 1.0 |
FCMKNN | k = {3,5,7,9}, M = 2.0, Iterations = 50, δ = 0.01 |
FENN | k = {3,5,7,9}, k (edition) = 5, kInit = 3 |
FRKNNA | k = {3,5,7,9}, kInit = 3 |
FRNN | - |
FRNN-FRS | k = {3,5,7,9} |
FRNN-VQRS | k = {3,5,7,9} |
FuzzyKNN | k = {3,5,7,9}, M = 2.0, kInit = 3 |
FuzzyNPC | M = 2.0 |
GAFuzzyKNN | k = {3,5,7,9}, M = 2.0, kInit = 3, Population size = 50, Generations = 10, Crossover probability = 0.8, Mutation probability = 0.01 |
IF-KNN | k = {3,5,7,9}, mA = 0.6, vA = 0.4, mR = 0.3, vR = 0.7, kInit = 3 |
IFSKNN | k = {3,5,7,9} |
IFV-NP | Threshold = {0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8} |
IT2FKNN | k = {3,5,7,9}, M = 2.0, kMax (maximum kInit) = 9 |
PFKNN | k = {3,5,7,9} |
PosIBL | β = {0.1,0.2,0.5,0.7} |
VWFuzzyKNN | k = {3,5,7,9}, kInit = 3 |
Additionaly, 7 crisp nearest neighbor classifiers have been included in the experimental study, for comparison purposes. Table 3 enumerates them and summarizes their parameter configuration considered (a description of each method is provided in the paper).
Table 3. Parameter specification of the crisp nearest neighbor classifiers.
Algorithm | Parameters |
k-NN | k = {3,5,7,9} |
ENN | k = {3,5,7,9} |
IDIBL | MaxK = 30, First stage iterations = 4, Second stage iterations = 8 |
KNNAdaptive | k = {3,5,7,9} |
KSNN | k = {3,5,7,9} |
NSC | Variance = {0.01,0.1,1,10}, Q = 1, K = 3, NoChange = 100, Epoch = 100 |
PW | Beta = {0.5, 2, 8, 32}, ρ = 0.001, ε = 0.001 |
Source codes
This section includes the source code for the algorithms used in the study. Please note that the code is provided as-is, with no guarantees whatsoever, but in the hope that it might result useful in future research.
The methods have been developed in Java, under the guidelines of the KEEL software framework. You can download the Fuzzy Instance Based Learning package here, ready to be included into the standard distribution of the KEEL Software Tool (see the README.txt file for installation instructions).
You can download the open source version of the KEEL Sofware Tool here. Note that both the KEEL Sofware Tool and the Fuzzy Instance Based Learning package are released under the terms of the (GPLv3) license, meaning that both the tool and the package are open source.