IV Symposium on Information Fusion and Ensemble Learning

After the successful celebration of three previous editions under the frame of the Conference of the Spanish Association of Artificial Intelligence (CAEPIA'13, CAEPIA'15 and CAEPIA'16), the IV Symposium on Information Fusion and Ensemble Learning intends to establish a meeting point for all researchers with interest in the field of information fusion and ensembles, which is a key part of machine learning.
The symposium will welcome all contributions (both theoretical and applied) centered on the combination of simple machine learning algorithms to solve complex problems: this includes the management of several data sources, training schemes, combination of results or any other kind of fusion of information required inside an automatic system.
We hope FINO’18 to provide a stimulating and fruitful forum for presenting and discussing the latest works and advances on information fusion and ensemble learning.
- Emilio Corchado, University of Salamanca, Email: escorchado@usal.es
- Mikel Galar, Public University of Navarra, Email: mikel.galar@unavarra.es
- Bruno Baruque, Burgos University, Email: bbaruque@ubu.es
- Alberto Fernández, University of Granada, Email: alberto@decsai.ugr.es
Granada, agua oculta que llora - Manuel Machado
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Ensemble Methodologies: Strategies and Techniques.
- Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Ensembles.
- Methods for ensemble learning: Boosting, Bagging, Random Forest, etc.
- Ensembles for classification, prediction, clustering, feature selection, etc.
- Definitions and measures of diversity.
- Methods for creating diversity in model generation.
- Relations between ensemble diversity and performance.
- Strategies for decision fusion.
- Evaluation of ensemble performance and comparison with other approaches.
- Software for ensembles and information fusion.
- Real world problem applications of ensembles.
- Fusion of One-class classifiers.
- Decomposition of multi-class problems: One-vs-One, One-vs-All, ECOC, etc.
- Ensembles for multi-instance or multi-label problems.
- Ensembles for dealing with noise problems, unbalanced classes and transfer learning.
- Design of information fusion strategies for distributed systems and Big Data.
Program Committee
Researcher | Institution |
Juan Manuel Corchado | University of Salamanca, Spain |
Ana Belén Gil González | University of Salamanca, Spain |
Ángel Arroyo | University of Burgos, Spain |
Belén Vaquerizo García | University of Burgos, Spain |
Javier Sedano | Castilla y León Technological Institute, Spain |
Jesús Ángel Román Gallego | University of Salamanca, Spain |
José Luis Calvo Rolle | University of Coruña, Spain |
José Luis Casteleiro Roca | University of Coruña, Spain |
Leticia Curiel | University of Burgos, Spain |
Pedro Antonio Hernández Ramos | University of Salamanca, Spain |
Hector Quintián | University of Salamanca, Spain |
Francisco Herrera | University of Granada, Spain |
Salvador García | University of Granada, Spain |
Julián Luengo | University of Burgos, Spain |
Edurne Barrenechea | Public University of Navarra, Spain |
Luciano Sánchez | University of Oviedo, Spain |
Oscar Cordón | University of Granada, Spain |
Oriol Pujol | University of Barcelona, Spain |
Sergio Escalera | University of Barcelona, Spain |
Daniel Hernández-Lobato | Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain |
Aníbal Ramón Figueiras-Vidal | Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain |
Araceli Sanchís | Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain |
Agapito Ismael Ledezma | Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain |
Jesús Mª Pérez | University of the Basque Country, Spain |
José Antonio Sanz | Public University of Navarra, Spain |
Santiago Porras | University of Burgos, Spain |