CAEPIA 2018 Committees

Honorary Chair
- Enric Trillas University of Oviedo
General Chair
- Francisco Herrera University of Granada
Chairman of Organization Committee
- Sergio Damas University of Granada
Chairman of the awards committee
- Enrique Alba University of Malaga
Chairman of Tutorials and Workshops
- Luís Martínez University of Jaén
Chairs of federated Conferences & Workshops
- XIX Spanish Congress on Fuzzy Logic and Technologies (ESTYLF 2018)
- Antonio González University of Granada
- Enrique Herrera University of Granada
- XIII Spanish Congress on Metaheuristics, Evolutionary and Bioinspired Algorithms (MAEB 2018)
- Oscar Cordón University of Granada
- Rafael Martí University of Valencia
- IX Symposium of Theory and Applications of Data Mining (TAMIDA 2018)
- José Riquelme University of Sevilla
- Alicia Troncoso University Pablo de Olavide
- Salvador García University of Granada
- V Congress of the Spanish Society for Video Game Science (CoSECiVi 2018)
- Pedro Antonio González Complutense University of Madrid
- David Camacho Autonomous University of Madrid
- IV Symposium on Information Fusion and ensembles (FINO 2018)
- Emilio Corchado University of Salamanca
- Mikel Galar Public University of Navarra
- Bruno Baruque Burgos University
- Alberto Fernández University of Granada
- II Workshop in Big Data and Scalable Data Analytics (BigDADE 2018)
- Amparo Alonso University of Coruña
- Maria José del JesusUniversity of Jaén
- Francisco Herrera University of Granada
- I Workshop in Deep Learning (DEEPL 2018)
- Siham Tabik University of Granada
- Antonio Bahamonde University of Oviedo
- Juan Manuel Górriz University of Granada
- I Workshop on Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Industry 4.0 (IndustrIA 4.0)
- Javier Del Ser TECNALIA, University of the Basque Country, Basque Center for Applied Mathematics
- Jose Antonio Lozano University of the Basque Country, Basque Center for Applied Mathematics
- I Workshop on Data Science in Social Media (CiDReS 2018)
- David Camacho Autonomous University of Madrid
- Victoria Luzón University of Granada
- I Workshop of Spanish AI Research Groups in Biomedicine (IABiomed 2018)
- Jose M. Juarez University of Murcia
- Mar Marcos Universitat Jaume I
- David Riaño Universitat Rovira i Virgili
- Doctoral Consortium
- José Riquelme University of Seville
- Humberto Bustince Public University of Navarra
- Apps Competition
- Alberto Bugarín University of Santiago de Compostela
- Jose Antonio Gámez University de Castilla la Mancha
Organization Committee
- Secretary: Pedro Villar
- Publishing and Program: Sergio Alonso, Jorge Casillas and Julián Luengo
- Publicity: Mª Dolores Pérez and Pedro González
- Logotype: Manuel Parra
- Web: Rosana Montes
- ESTYLF: Raul Pérez and Javier Cabrerizo
- MAEB: Daniel Molina and Maria Isabel García
- CoSECiVi: Marco Antonio Gómez and Antonio Mora
- CiDRES: Eugenio Martínez
Technical Secretaries
Area Chairs
The following are the Areas of CAEPIA, and the area managers:
- Uncertainty in AI
- Pedro Larrañaga Múgica Technical University of Madrid
- Natural language processing
- Patricio Martínez Barco Alicante University
- Representation of knowledge, reasoning and logic
- Pedro Meseguer González IIIA-CSIC
- Restrictions, searching and planning
- Eva Onaindia De La Rivaherrera Polytechnic University of Valencia
- Multi-agent systems
- Juan Pavón Mestras Complutense University of Madrid
- Intelligent web and information retrieval
- Juan Manuel Fernandez Luna University of Granada
- Computer Vision & Robotics
- Petia Radeva University of Barcelona
- Open data and ontologies
- Asuncion Gomez Perez Technical University of Madrid
- Ambient intelligence and smart environments
- Jesús García Herrero Carlos III University of Madrid
- Creativity and Artificial Intelligence
- Miguel Molina Solana Imperial Colleage London
- Foundations, models and applications of AI
- Serafín Moral Callejón University of Granada
En Granada se limita el tiempo, el espacio, el mar, la luna, las distancias… hay necesidad de limitar, de domesticar los términos inmensos - Federico García Lorca