IX Symposium of Theory and Applications of Data Mining

This symposium provides a forum for researchers seeking to extract useful knowledge from large volumes of information using Data Mining methods. Data Mining techniques have become a fundamental tool in scientific and technical research as a method of analysis and knowledge discovery based on observation data or experimental results for decision making in the control of productive processes, systems planning, marketing, etc.
- José Riquelme, University of Sevilla, Email: riquelme@us.es
- Alicia Troncoso, University Pablo de Olavide, Email: ali@upo.es
- Salvador García, University of Granada, Email: salvagl@decsai.ugr.es
Todo es posible en Granada. En Granada puedes verlo todo, lo ideal y lo irreal. - Luis Varela
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Automatic Learning Algorithms and Techniques
- Selecting Attributes
- Classification
- Clustering
- Parametric and non-parametric statistical techniques
- Soft-computing
- Discovery of rules
- Instances based
- Scalable algorithms
- Incremental algorithms
- Ensembles
- Pattern recognition
- Learning assessment
- Design of experiments
- Statistical tests
- Data pre-processing:
- Data reduction and/or transformation
- Uncertainty and incomplete data
- Discretion
- Unbalanced data
- Mining on different types of data:
- Texts
- Temporary
- Space
- Flows (streams)
- Networks
- Multimedia
- Big Data Mining
- Visual Data Mining
- Databases and Data Mining:
- Data Mining query
- Relational Data Mining
- Data Mining Applications:
- Biomedical databases
- Industrial production processes
- Environmental problems
- Financial or commercial problems
- Web Mining
- Social Mining
Program Committee
Researcher | Institution |
Alicia Troncoso Lora | Pablo de Olavide University |
José C. Riquelme | University of Sevilla |
Salvador García López | University of Granada |
Emilio Corchado | University of Salamanca |
Francesc J. Ferri | University of Valencia |
Francisco Herrera | University of Granada |
Pedro González | University of Jaén |
Mª Dolores Pérez | University of Jaén |
Héctor Pomares | University of Granada |
Ignacio Rojas | University of Granada |
José A. Lozano | University of the Basque Country |
José del Campo | University of Málaga |
José Mª Luna | University of Córdoba |
Juan J. Rodríguez | University of Burgos |
Sergio Ramírez Gallego | University of Granada |
José Hernández Orallo | Polytechnic University of Valencia |
Juan J. del Coz | University of Oviedo |
Antonio Rivera | University of Jaén |
Karina Gibert | Polytechnic University of Catalonia |
Marta Zorrilla | University of Cantabria |
Alberto Cano | University of Córdoba |
Miquel Sànchez i Marrè | Polytechnic University of Catalonia |
Mª José del Jesús | University of Jaén |
Mª José Ramírez | Polytechnic University of Valencia |
Nicolás García Pedrajas | University of Córdoba |
Olatz Arbelaitz | University of the Basque Country |
Óscar Cordón | University of Granada |
Jorge García Gutiérrez | University of Sevilla |
Pablo Varona | Autonomous University of Madrid |
Pedro Larrañaga | Technical University of Madrid |
Sebastián Ventura | University of Córdoba |
Juan Nepomuceno | University of Sevilla |
Francisco Martínez Álvarez | Pablo de Olavide University |
Gualberto Asencio | Pablo de Olavide University |
María Martínez Ballesteros | University of Sevilla |
Cristóbal Carmona | University of Burgos |