CAEPIA 2018 | XVIII Edition

The Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAEPIA) is a biennial forum open to worldwide researchers to present and discuss their last scientific and technological advances in Artificial Intelligence. The 18th edition, CAEPIA'18, will be held in Granada, Spain, from the 23th to the 26th October, 2018. Organized by the Andalusian Research Institute in Data Science and Computational Intelligence (DaSCI).
As in previous editions, the objectives are: to facilitate the dissemination of new ideas and experiences, to strengthen the links among the different research groups involved, to promote knowledge transfer between recent researchers and consolidated groups, and to help spread new developments to society. To achieve the proposed objectives, authors are requested to send original unpublished works, which describe relevant research about topics related to Artificial Intelligence from all points of view: formal, methodological, technical or applied.
- Honorary Chair: Enric Trillas, University of Oviedo
- General Chair: Francisco Herrera, University of Granada
- Chairman of the Organization Committee: Sergio Damas, University of Granada
En Granada se limita el tiempo, el espacio, el mar, la luna, las distancias… hay necesidad de limitar, de domesticar los términos inmensos - Federico García Lorca
Area Chairs
The following are the Area managers of CAEPIA:
- Uncertainty in AI. Pedro Larrañaga Múgica, Technical University of Madrid
- Natural language processing. Patricio Martínez Barco, Alicante University
- Representation of knowledge, reasoning and logic. Pedro Meseguer González, IIIA-CSIC
- Restrictions, searching and planning. Eva Onaindia De La Rivaherrera, Polytechnic University of Valencia
- Multi-agent systems. Juan Pavón Mestras, Complutense University of Madrid
- Intelligent web and information retrieval. Juan Manuel Fernandez Luna, University of Granada
- Computer Vision & Robotics. Petia Radeva, University of Barcelona
- Open data and ontologies. Asuncion Gomez Perez, Technical University of Madrid
- Ambient intelligence and smart environments. Jesús García Herrero, Carlos III University of Madrid
- Creativity and Artificial Intelligence. Miguel Molina Solana, Imperial Colleage London
- Foundations, models and applications of AI. Serafín Moral Callejón, University of Granada
- Approximate Reasoning
- Bayesian Networks
- Decision/Utility Theory
- Exact and Approximate Probabilistic Inference
- Modeling, Inference, Learning and Decision Making under Uncertainty
- Preference Elicitation
- Probabilistic Graphical Models
- Syntactic Analysis and Grammatical Inference
- Text Classification and Subjects
- Automatic Abstract Generation
- Lexical Disambiguation of Words
- Discourse, Dialogue and Pragmatics
- Text Mining
- Natural Language Modeling
- Natural Language Processing
- Multilingual Language Processing
- Speech Recognition
- Question Answering
- Machine Translation
- Action, Change and Causality
- Computational Argumentation
- Automated Reasoning
- Knowledge Representation
- Computational Logic
- Description Logics and Ontologies
- Preferences and Beliefs
- Logic Programming
- Case-Based Reasoning
- Model-Based Reasoning
- Qualitative Reasoning
- Spatial and Temporal Reasoning
- Diagnosis and Abductive Reasoning
- Nonmonotonic Reasoning
- Knowledge Representation
- AI in Planning Games
- Constraint Optimization
- Constraint Satisfaction
- Dynamic Programming
- Heuristic Search
- Hierarchical Task Networks
- Markov Decision Processes
- Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs)
- Real Time Planning
- Satisfiability
- Scheduling
- Theoretical Foundations of Planning
- Adaptation and self-organization
- Agent-Based Architectures and Programming
- Agent-Based Simulation and Emergent Behavior
- Agent Communication Languages
- Agreement Technologies (coordination, negotiation, argumentation, rules, confidence)
- Methodologies and Infrastructures (platforms, tools, environment)
- Social, Organizing and Institutional Approximations
- Agent-Based Modeling
- Digital Libraries
- Information Extraction
- Information Integration
- Information Retrieval
- Recommender Systems
- Semantic web
- Web mining
- Web 2.0
- Image / video analysis
- Biomedical Image analysis
- Activity / behavior recognition
- Feature extraction, grouping and segmentation
- Perception systems
- Biometrics
- Robot control
- Mobile robotics
- Micro robots and micro-manipulation
- Localization, navigation and mapping
- Open Data
- Linked Open Data
- Domain specific ontologies
- Ontology driven information systems
- Ontology Alignment for Linked Open Data
- Ontology and Experimental Data
- Intelligent Sensor data fusion and collaboration in multi-sensor systems and networks
- Use of mobile, wireless, visual, and multi-modal sensor networks in intelligent systems
- Mobile/wearable intelligence
- Self-adaptive AmI systems
- Context awareness
- Cognitive and emotional awareness
- Behavior modeling
- Intention recognition
- Scene and event modeling, representation, and reconstruction
- Applications in health care, smart homes and smart buildings
- Modeling environments (homes, hospitals, transportation, roads, offices)
- Artificial intelligences based Art creations
- Artificial Intelligence based Music
- Artificial intelligence and literature/news generation
- Artificial intelligence creativity
- Foundations on Artificial Intelligence
- Artificial Intelligence based models
- Artificial Intelligence based Applicadtions
- Cognitive aspects of Artificial Intelligence
- Emergent Artificial Intelligence topics
- Artificial Intelligence and Philosophy
Program Committee
Researcher | Institution |
Jesús S. Aguilar-Ruiz | University Pablo de Olavide |
Enrique Alba | University of Málaga |
Amparo Alonso-Betanzos | University of A Coruña |
Martín Álvarez | W3C Consortium |
Lourdes Araujo | UNED |
Jaume Bacardit | Newcastle University |
Antonio Bahamonde | Universidad de Oviedo at Gijon |
Javier Bajo | Technical University of Madrid |
Ana M. Barbancho | University of Malaga |
Alvaro Barreiro | University of A Coruña |
Edurne Barrenechea | Public University of Navarra |
Senén Barro | University of Santiago de Compostela |
Jose Angel Bañares | University of Zaragoza |
Antonio Berlanga | Carlos III University of Madrid |
Ana M. Bernardos | Technical University of Madrid |
Concha Bielza Lozoya | Technical University of Madrid |
Daniel Borrajo | Carlos III University of Madrid |
Juan Botia | King's College London |
Vicent Botti | Universitat Politècnica de València |
Alberto Bugarín | University of Santiago de Compostela |
Humberto Bustince | Public University of Navarra |
José M. Cadenas | University of Murcia |
Zoraida Callejas | University of Granada |
David Camacho | Autonomous University of Madrid |
Andrés Cano | University of Granada |
Iván Cantador | Autonomous University of Madrid |
Robert Castelo | Universitat Pompeu Fabra |
Juan Corchado | University of Salamanca |
Oscar Corcho | Technical University of Madrid |
Rafael Corchuelo | University of Seville |
Oscar Cordon | University of Granada |
Sergio Damas | University of Granada |
Luis M. de Campos | University of Granada |
Andre de Carvalho | University of São Paulo |
Luis De La Ossa | University of Castilla-La Mancha |
Juan José Del Coz | University of Oviedo at Gijón |
Maria Jose Del Jesus | University of Jaén |
Javier Del Ser | Tecnalia Research & Innovation |
Miguel Delgado | University of Granada |
Jose Dorronsoro | Universidad Autnoma de Madrid |
Richard Duro | Universidade da Coruna |
Francisco Javier Díez | UNED |
Francisco Escolano | University of Alicante |
Mariano Fernández López | Universidad San Pablo CEU |
Antonio Fernández-Caballero | University of Castilla-La Mancha |
Francesc J. Ferri | University of Valencia |
Aníbal R. Figueiras | Carlos III University of Madrid |
José Manuel Galán | University of Burgos |
Jose Gamez | University of Castilla-La Mancha |
Pablo García Bringas | University of Deusto |
Raúl García-Castro | Technical University of Madrid |
Nicolás García-Pedrajas | University of Córdoba |
Rafael M. Gasca | University of Seville |
Pablo Gervás | Universidad Complutense de Madrid |
Lluis Godo | Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, CSIC |
Koldo Gojenola | University of Basque Country |
Juan Gomez Romero | University of Granada |
Antonio Gonzalez | University of Granada |
Manuel Grana | University of Basque Country |
Josechu Guerrero | Universidad de Zaragoza |
Bertha Guijarro-Berdiñas | University of A Coruña |
Manuel Gómez-Olmedo | University of Granada |
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez | Universidade da Coruña |
Jose Hernandez-Orallo | Universitat Politècnica de València |
Enrique Herrera-Viedma | University of Granada |
Cesar Hervas | University of Córdoba |
Juan F. Huete | University of Granada |
Inaki Inza | University of the Basque Country |
Jose M. Iñesta | Universidad de Alicante |
Luis Jimenez Linares | University of Castilla-La Mancha |
Jordi Levy | Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, CSIC |
Carlos Linares Lopez | Carlos III University of Madrid |
Victoria Lopez | Universidad Complutense de Madrid |
Ramon Lopez-Cozar Delgado | University of Granada |
Adolfo Lopez-Paredes | University of Valladolid |
David Losada | University of Santiago de Compostela |
Oscar Luaces | University of Oviedo at Gijón |
Lawrence Mandow | University of Málaga |
Felip Manya | Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, CSIC |
Rafael Martinez Tomas | UNED |
Patricio Martinez-Barco | University of Alicante |
Luis Martínez | University of Jaén |
Paloma Martínez Fernández | Carlos III University of Madrid |
Andrés Masegosa | University of Almeria |
Rafael Medina-Carnicer | University of Córdoba |
Belen Melian | Universidad de La Laguna |
Pedro Meseguer | Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, CSIC |
Jose M. Molina | Carlos III University of Madrid |
Rafael Molina | University of Granada |
Rafael Morales-Bueno | University of Malaga |
José Andrés Moreno Pérez | University of La Laguna |
Javier Muguerza | University of Basque Country |
Manuel Ojeda-Aciego | University of Malaga |
Jose Angel Olivas | University of Castilla-La Mancha |
Sascha Ossowski | University Rey Juan Carlos |
Jose Palma | University of Murcia |
Francisco Parreño | University of Castilla-La Mancha |
Miguel Angel Patricio | Carlos III University of Madrid |
Antonio Peregrin | University of Huelva |
Jose M. Peña | Linköping University |
Filiberto Pla | Universitat Jaume I |
Hector Pomares | University of Granada |
Jose M Puerta | University of Castilla-La Mancha |
Domenec Puig | Universitat Rovira i Virgili |
Rafael Ramirez | Universitat Pompeu fabra |
Beatriz Remeseiro | University of Oviedo |
José C. Riquelme | University of Seville |
Ramon Rizo | Universidad de Alicante |
Horacio Rodriguez | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya |
Camino Rodriguez Vela | University of Oviedo |
Paolo Rosso | Universitat Politècnica de València |
Antonio Salmeron | University of Almería |
Jose Salvador Sanchez | Universitat Jaume I |
Luciano Sanchez | Universidad de Oviedo |
Araceli Sanchis | Carlos III University of Madrid |
Encarna Segarra | Universitat Politècnica de València |
Emilio Soria | University of Valencia |
Maria Taboada | University of Santiago de Compostela |
Alicia Troncoso | Universidad Pablo de Olavide |
José A. Troyano | University of Seville |
L. Alfonso Ureña-López | University of Jan |
Rafael Valencia-Garcia | University of Murcia |
Sebastián Ventura | University of Cordoba |
José Luis Verdegay | University of Granada |
María Amparo Vila | University of Granada |