Doctoral Consortium

This event provides an opportunity for young pre-doctoral researchers to exchange ideas about their doctoral thesis project with other doctoral students and senior researchers in the framework of CAEPIA 2018. To this end, we invite you to submit thesis projects in the field of Artificial Intelligence research. The subject of the thesis must belong to any of the topics included in the conference (general session and associated symposia.
All candidates must submit a summary of their proposal for a maximum of 15 minutes at a special session of CAEPIA 2018. The DC also includes a short tutorial on writing research papers.
DC Chairs
- José Riquelme, University of Seville, Email:
- Humberto Bustince, Public University of Navarra, Email:
Es fácil entender por qué los moros suspiraron al ser forzados a dejar Granada. Es una ciudad de vistas maravillosas. En la especialmente luminosa sur de España, las torres de la Alhambra siempre brillan. - James Henderson
Associated to the DC, an award is announced for the best doctoral thesis project. The three best projects presented will be recognized with diplomas issued by AEPIA and a financial award of 300 and 150 euros to the first and second prize, respectively.
The document to be submitted will have an extension of up to 6 pages following the IEEE guidelines (available in Word and LaTeX format) and will necessarily contain the following information:
Data: | Contact information. Title proposal for the thesis. Director/s. Department (University). Starting date. |
Summary: | Brief description of the research to be carried out or that is being carried out, with special reference to the initial hypotheses and previous investigations that support them. The main objective and its breakdown into sub-objectives should be listed precisely and succinctly. It is especially appreciated that the objectives are original with respect to proposals already published. The doctoral program should highlight their original contribution in the corresponding line of work. |
Methodology and Work Plan: | The doctoral candidate should make a brief summary of the tasks that lead him/her to carry out his/her doctoral thesis with special mention to the milestones that mark the fulfillment of the proposed objective. |
Relevance: | The document should include a discussion of the importance that this research have both at scientific level and at the level of its possibilities of application or transfer to society. |
All proposals received and accepted will be published in the proceedings published by AEPIA together with the rest of the papers accepted in the other activities of the conference.
Doctoral Projects
Submission of doctoral projects July 15 (Hard-Deadline)
Notification of acceptance/rejection: July 25, 2018.