I Workshop on Data Science in Social Media

Social media has changed the way people communicate. Millions of people over the world use social media to share information and make connections. Anyone with Internet access can explain their experiences in a video, give their opinion about a fact, or show their photos to millions of other users. This has led Social Media Analytics (SMA) to an important growth over last year due to the amount of data shared.
Gohfar F. Khan’s defines SMA as "the art and science of extracting valuable hidden insights from vast amounts of semistructured an unstructured social media data to enable informed and insightful decision making". Different techniques has been created for analyzing opinions towards a product, predicting elections results, studying how fake news spread through social networks. This has made the areas that work in this field very diverse: computer science, network science, social sciences, mathematical sciences, medical and biological sciences, financial, management and political sciences.
CiDReS 2018 Workshop aims the participation of researchers with interest in the use or data science techniques for knowledge extraction from social networks, to discuss models and applications. The workshop will primarily provide an interdisciplinary venue that will bring together practitioners and researchers from a variety of Data Science and Social Media fields to promote collaborations and exchange of ideas and practices. The workshop solicits experimental and theoretical works on SMA and mining along with their application to real life cases.
Program Chairs
- David Camacho, Autonomous University of Madrid, Email: david.camacho@uam.es
- María Victoria Luzón, University of Granada, Email: luzon@ugr.es
Technical Secretary
- Eugenio Martínez Cámara, University of Granada, Email: emcamara@decsai.ugr.es
¡ Con qué pereza se va el sol de Granada, se esconde bajo el agua, se esconde en la Alhambra! - Ernest Hemingway
Topics of interest for this Workshop include (but are not limited to) the following:
- Analysis of covert networks, Dark Web
- Anomaly detection in social network evolution
- Application of social network analysis and mining
- Big Social Mining
- Community discovery and analysis in social networks
- Cybercrime and Social Networks
- Data models for social networks and social media
- Dynamic Community finding and discovery
- Evolution of communities/patterns on Social Media
- Graph mining
- Impact of social networks on recommendations systems
- Information acquisition and establishment of social relations
- Information diffusion
- Information fusion in Social Media
- Intelligent data analysis in Social Media
- Large-scale graph algorithms for social network analysis
- Network formation and evolution
- Pattern representation and modelling for Social Networks
- Pattern analysis for Social Networks
- Personalization for search and for social interaction
- Scalability of social networking
- Search algorithms for Social Networks
- Sentiment Analysis
- Statistical modeling of large networks
- Visualization in Social Media
Important Dates
Submission of Key Works July 5 (Hard-Deadline)
Notification Due July 20, 2018.
Camera-ready copy September 10, 2018.
A two-page IEEE format (available in Word and LaTeX2e format), with a clear reference to the previous published paper. The authors must also submit a cover letter indicating the journal in which the paper is published, and a succinct justification of the relation of the paper with the topics of the workshop.
Registration of one author.
Submission is electronic, using the Easychair conference management system. The submission site is open at: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=caepia2018
Program Committee
Researcher | Institution |
Ricardo Aler | Carlos III University, Spain |
Mahmoud Barhamgi | University of Lion, France |
Gema Bello Orgaz | Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain |
Carlos Carrascosa | Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain |
Manuel Jesús Cobo | University of Cádiz, Spain |
Mari Luz Congosto | Carlos III University of Madrid, Spain |
Oscar Cordon | University of Granada, Spain |
Carlos Cotta | University of Málaga, Spain |
Sergio Damas | University of Granada, Spain |
Abraham Duarte | Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain |
Luis Espinosa Anke | Cardiff University, Great Britain |
Francisco Fernandez de Vega | University of Extremadura, Spain |
Antonio Gonzalez Pardo | Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain |
Jason J. Jung | University of Chung Ang, South Korea, Spain |
Raul Lara Cabrera | Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain |
María Teresa Martín Valdivia | University of Jaén, Spain |
Manuel Montes | INAOE, México |
Muntsa Padro | Eloquant, France |
Sancho Salcedo | University of Alcalá, Spain |
Jesús Sanchez-Oro Calvo | Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain |
Frederique Segond | Viseo, France |
Javier del Ser | University of the Basque Country/Tecnalia, Spain |
Maite Taboada | Simon Fraser University, Canadá |
Rafel Valencia | University of Murcia, Spain |
Benjamin Vargas | University of Granada, Spain |
Julian Vicente | Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain |
L. Alfonso Ureña López | University of Jaén, Spain |
Carmen Zarco | International University of La Rioja, Spain |
Mourad Oussalah | University of Oulu, Finland |
Carla Vairetti | University of Los Andes, Chile |
José Manuel Perea Ortega | University of Extremadura, España |