CAEPIA'18 Call for Papers
General information

The Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAEPIA) is a biennial forum open to worldwide researchers to present and discuss their last scientific and technological advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI). Authors are requested to send original unpublished works, which describe relevant research about topics related to Artificial Intelligence from all points of view: formal, methodological, technical or applied.
Our Mission
To facilitate the dissemination of new ideas and experiences, to strengthen the links among the different research groups involved, to promote knowledge transfer between recent researchers and consolidated groups, and to help spread new developments to society.
Within CAEPIA, the Doctoral Consortium is organized, a forum for doctoral students to interact with other researchers by discussing their thesis project.
In order to highlight the practical importance of the AI, the third competition on mobile Apps with AI techniques is being held, together with a dissemination video competition.
In addition, this edition of CAEPIA will feature outstanding papers (Key Works) already published in journals or forums of recognized prestige.
In the 18th edition of CAEPIA, several federated conferences and workshops are held, which will maintain their own programme committee and distribute their respective calls for papers.
- CAEPIA 2018 | XVIII Edition Main Session
- XIX Spanish Congress on Fuzzy Logic and Technologies (ESTYLF 2018)
- XIII Spanish Congress on Metaheuristics, Evolutionary and Bioinspired Algorithms (MAEB 2018)
- IX Symposium of Theory and Applications of Data Mining (TAMIDA 2018)
- V Congress of the Spanish Society for Video Game Science (CoSECiVi 2018)
- IV Symposium on Information Fusion and ensembles (FINO 2018)
- II Workshop in Big Data and Scalable Data Analytics (BigDADE 2018)
- I Workshop in Deep Learning (DEEPL 2018)
- I Workshop on Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Industry 4.0 (IndustrIA 4.0)
- I Workshop on Data Science in Social Media (CiDReS 2018)
- I Workshop of Spanish AI Research Groups in Biomedicine (IABiomed 2018)
CAEPIA is open to the proposal of new workshops, tutorials and other events (see more information).
Types of Contributions
- Papers for Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI): Any article that opts for publication in a Springer volume must be submitted in English, and a double-blind review process will be followed. Contributions to LNAI book may be up to 10 pages in length and must be formatted according to LNCS guidelines (available in Word and LaTeX2e format). The paper presented will describe an original research, with solid, substantiated and demonstrable results on any of the conference themes.
Publication of the proceedings in LNCS will be included in the series Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNCS/LNAI Home Page). Note that these documents are of your interest:
Authors' guidelines
LNCS Consent to Publish form
- Papers for CAEPIA and federated congresses: In this case the papers will be published in the proceedings of the corresponding congress. These papers will have an extension of up to 6 pages and must be formatted in accordance with the IEEE guidelines (available in Word and LaTeX2e format). The paper presented will describe an original research, with solid, substantiated and demonstrable results on any of the topics of the corresponding congress.
- Key works: Recent works published in prestigious journals or forums during the period 2017-2018. The aim is to disseminate them to a wide audience in the AI community, giving community members the opportunity to learn about unfamiliar work and foster interdisciplinarity. Papers should be submitted in IEEE format of up to two pages, with a clear reference to the previously published work.
- Doctoral projects in Doctoral Consortium: We encourage the submissions of preliminary works from PhD students. These papers will be presented in special sessions during the conference. The aim is to encourage a fruitful debate between the candidate and the public. The length of these papers should not exceed 6 pages and will be presented orally for 15 minutes. Authors of papers accepted as predoctoral papers will have special benefits to attend the conference.
- The development of Apps and divulgative videos of AI, according to the basis of the competition.
Accepted contributions will be assigned a 15-minutes slot for oral presentation in the conference conforming this edition of CAEPIA.
Important Dates
Submission of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence May 25 (Hard-Deadline)
Notification Due June 25, 2018.
Camera-ready copy July 15, 2018.
A 10-pages paper formatted according to LNCS guidelines.
Registration of one author.
Submission of General papers June 25 (extended date)
Notification Due July 20, 2018.
Camera-ready copy September 10, 2018.
A 6-pages paper formatted according to IEEE guidelines.
Registration of one author.
Submission of Key Works July 5 (Hard-Deadline)
Notification Due July 20, 2018.
Camera-ready copy September 10, 2018.
A two-page IEEE format, with a clear reference to the previous published paper.
Registration of one author.
Doctoral Consortium
Submission of doctoral projects July 15 (Hard-Deadline)
Notification of acceptance/rejection: July 25, 2018.
Camera-ready copy Sept. 10
A six-page format of preliminary works from PhD students according to IEEE guidelines.
Apps & Video Competition
Submission of the expression of interest June 20 (Hard-Deadline)
Notification of acceptance/rejection: June 30, 2018.
Deadline to complete submissions Sept. 10
As indicated in the rules of the respective competitions.
Tutorials & Workshops
Proposal reception April 30
Early registration until 10 September
Online registration will be available soon.
Includes accommodation booking and other tourist services.
Normal registration until 10 October
Through online registration.
Late registration from 11 October
Through online registration and directly at the Conference desk during the days of its celebration.
Submission of papers to CAEPIA'18 requires a previous registration in the easychair system
CAEPIA'18 papers will be reviewed by at least three members of the Program Committee which will be supervised by an area chair.
Accepted papers will be published in several volumes of CAEPIA proceedings that will be delivered in digital form to all attendees. The volumes will be as follows:
- One volume published by Springer in its Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) series. In order to be included in this volume papers should be submitted in English.
- Several online volumes published by the Spanish Association of Artificial Intelligence that will contain all the accepted works of CAEPIA, its federated conferences and workshops, as well as works of the Doctoral Consortium and the Apps & videos presented to the competitions.