Noisy Data in Data Mining (2012)
2012 (5 papers)
- Wang X, Liu F, Jiao LC, Zhou Z, Yu J, Li B, Chen J, Wu J, Shang F. An evidential reasoning based classification algorithm and its application for face recognition with class noise. Pattern Recognit 2012;45(12):4117-28.
- Simon HU. PAC-learning in the presence of one-sided classification noise. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 2012:1-18.
- Chia JY, Goh CK, Shim VA, Tan KC. A data mining approach to evolutionary optimisation of noisy multi-objective problems. Int J Syst Sci 2012;43(7):1217-47.
- Abellán J, Masegosa AR. Bagging schemes on the presence of class noise in classification. Expert Syst Appl 2012;39(8):6827-37.
- Liu H, Zhang S. Noisy data elimination using mutual k-nearest neighbor for classification mining. J Syst Software 2012;85(5):1067-74.