
Sparkling water

Privdes a connection between H2O and Spark algorithms. It enables launching H2O on top of Spark and using H2O capabilities including various ML algorithms, graphical user interface, or R integration. Provides: utilities to publish Spark data structures (RDDs, DataFrames, Datasets) as H2O's frames and vice versa, DSL to use Spark data structures as input for H2O's algorithms, basic building blocks to create ML applications utilizing Spark and H2O APIs and Python interface enabling use of Sparkling Water directly from PySpark.




To Include this package in your Spark application via spark-shell or pySpark, you must use it like:

$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-shell --packages ai.h2o:sparkling-water-core_2.10:1.4.3

where $SPARK_HOME is your Spark path.


The latest version is :1.4.3        Date: 2015-07-06  / Scala version: 2.10