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KEEL-dataset - Experimental study

Extending a simple genetic cooperative-competitive learning fuzzy classifier to low quality datasets

dataset/studies/lowQuality/palacios-EI09.gifPalacios, A. M., Sánchez, L., Couso, I. Extending a simple genetic cooperative-competitive learning fuzzy classifier to low quality datasets. Evolutionary Intelligence 2:1-2 (2009) 73-84, DOI: 10.1007/sl2065-009-0024-1.images/repository/pdf.pngimages/repository/bib.png

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Exploiting the information in low quality datasets has been recently acknowledged as a new challenge in Genetic Fuzzy Systems. Owing to this, in this paper we discuss the basic principles that govern the extension of a fuzzy rule based classifier to interval and fuzzy data. We have also applied these principles to the genetic learning of a simple cooperative-competitive algorithm, that becomes the first example of a Genetic Fuzzy Classifier able to use low quality data. Additionally, we introduce a benchmark, comprising some synthetic samples and two real-world problems that involve interval and fuzzy-valued data, that can be used to assess future algorithms of the same kind.


1. Introduction
2. An extension principle-based reasoning method
3. Definition of the extended genetic fuzzy system
4. Numerical results
5. Concluding remarks

Experimental study:

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