A Laboratory of the Research Group
"Soft Computing and Intelligent Information Systems"

Lab Members
Igor Zwir, PhD.
Senior scientist: Computational tools for the analysis
of genetic networks.
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Coral del Val, PhD.
Senior scientist: Biological data extraction and integration. Development of high-trouhtput analysis pipelines.
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Rocio Romero Zaliz, PhD.
Assistant professor. Structural databases,
Conceptual clustering, Evolutionary algorithms.
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Cristina Rubio, PhD.
Assistant professor. Microarray data analysis,
Genetic Networks, Fuzzy Clustering.
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Oscar Harari, PhD.
Genetic networks, Fusion of domain knowledge,
Parallel computing.
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José Manuel Benítez Sánchez, PhD.
Senior scientist: Parallel and Distributed Computational Intelligence, Dynamic Systems
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Patrizia Anders, PhD. Student
Applications in Bioinformatics,
Analysis of Genetic networks and Data mining.
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Victor Corcoba, Student
Scripting, pipelines, web programming.
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Javier Arnedo, Student
Prediction of ncRNA through integration of classifiers using multi-objective optimization techniques.
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Davd Rivas, Student
Pattern recognition and definition, web programming.
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Marta Moreno, Student
Pattern recognition and definition, web programming.
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Victor Dueñas, Student
Microarray data analysis, database managment, web programming.
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© M4M Mining Modeling Annotating Predicting For M4M- 2006