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KEEL-dataset - data set description

This section describes main characteristics of the thyroid data set and its attributes:

General information

Thyroid Disease (thyroid0387) data set
TypeClassificationOriginReal world
Features 21(Real / Integer / Nominal)(6 / 15 / 0)
Instances7200 Classes3
Missing values?No

Attribute description

Age[0.01, 0.97]Thyroid_surgery[0, 1]Hypopituitary[0, 1]
Sex[0, 1]I131_treatment[0, 1]Psych[0, 1]
On_thyroxine[0, 1]Query_hypothyroid[0, 1]TSH[0.0, 0.53]
Query_on_thyroxine[0, 1]Query_hyperthyroid[0, 1]T3[0.0005, 0.18]
On_antithyroid_medication[0, 1]Lithium[0, 1]TT4[0.0020, 0.6]
Sick[0, 1]Goitre[0, 1]T4U[0.017, 0.233]
Pregnant[0, 1]Tumor[0, 1]FTI[0.0020, 0.642]

Additional information

This data set is one of the several databases about Thyroid avalaible at the UCI repository. The task is to detect is a given patient is normal (1) or suffers from hyperthyroidism (2) or hypothyroidism (3)

In this section you can download some files related to the thyroid data set:

  • The complete data set already formatted in KEEL format can be downloaded from herezip.gif.
  • A copy of the data set already partitioned by means of a 10-folds cross validation procedure can be downloaded from herezip.gif.
  • A copy of the data set already partitioned by means of a 5-folds cross validation procedure can be downloaded from herezip.gif.
  • The header file associated to this data set can be downloaded from heretxt.png.
  • This is not a native data set from the KEEL project. It has been obtained from the UCI Machine Learning Repository . The original page where the data set can be found is:

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