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KEEL-dataset - data set description

This section describes main characteristics of the fars data set and its attributes:

General information

Fatality Analysis Reporting System data set
TypeClassificationOriginReal world
Features 29(Real / Integer / Nominal)(5 / 0 / 24)
Instances100968 Classes8
Missing values?No

Attribute description

CASE_STATE{Alabama, ..., Wyoming}NON_MOTORIST_LOCATION{Not_Applicable_-_Vehicle_Occupant,...,Unknown} DRUG_TEST_RESULTS_(2_of_3)[0.0,999.0]
AGE[0.0,99.0]POLICE_REPORTED_ALCOHOL_INVOLVEMENT{No_(Alcohol_Not_Involved),...,Not_Reported}DRUG_TEST_TYPE_(3_of_3){Blood_Test,..., Other_Type_Test}
PERSON_TYPE{Driver,..., Unknown}ALCOHOL_TEST_TYPE{Not_Tested_for_Alcohol,...,Other_Test_Type} HISPANIC_ORIGIN{Mexican,...,Unknown}
RESTRAINT_SYSTEM-USE{None_Used/Not_Applicable,...,Unknown} POLICE-REPORTED_DRUG_INVOLVEMENT{No_Drugs,Drugs_Involved,Not_Reported,Reported_Unknown}RELATED_FACTOR_(1)-PERSON_LEVEL{Not_Visible,...,Unknown}
AIR_BAG_AVAILABILITY/DEPLOYMENT{Non-Motorist,..., ,Unknown_(If_Airbag_Available)}METHOD_OF_DRUG_DETERMINATION{Evidential_Test_(Blood_Urine),..., Not_ReportedRELATED_FACTOR_(2)-PERSON_LEVEL{Not_Visible,...,Unknown}
EJECTION{Not_Ejected,Totally_Ejected,Partially_Ejected,Unknown}DRUG_TEST_TYPE_(1_of_3){Blood_Test,..., Other_Type_Test}RELATED_FACTOR_(3)-PERSON_LEVEL{Not_Visible,...,Unknown}
EJECTION_PATH{Not_Ejected/Not_Applicable,...,Unknown} DRUG_TEST_RESULTS_(1_of_3)[0.0,999.0]RACE{Not_a_Fatality_(Not_Applicable), .... ,Unknown}
EXTRICATION{Not_Extricated,Extricated,Unknown}DRUG_TEST_TYPE_(2_of_3){Blood_Test,..., Other_Type_Test}INJURY_SEVERITY{No_Injury, ... Unknown}

Additional information

The FARS (Fatality Analysis Reporting System) data set is a compilation of statistics about car accidents made by the U.S. National Center for Statistics and Analysis.
The specific dataset used contains information about all of the people involved in car accidents in the U.S. during 2001, where most of its attributes are represented with nominal values. The class attribute describes the level of injury suffered.

In this section you can download some files related to the fars data set:

  • The complete data set already formatted in KEEL format can be downloaded from herezip.gif.
  • A copy of the data set already partitioned by means of a 10-folds cross validation procedure can be downloaded from herezip.gif.
  • A copy of the data set already partitioned by means of a 5-folds cross validation procedure can be downloaded from herezip.gif.
  • The header file associated to this data set can be downloaded from heretxt.png.
  • This is not a native data set from the KEEL project. It has been obtained from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The original page where the data set can be found is:

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