This section describes main characteristics of the horse-colic data set and its attributes:
General information
Horse Colic data set |
Type | Classification | Origin | Real world |
Features | 23 | (Real / Integer / Nominal) | (7 / 1 / 15) |
Classes | 2 |
Missing values? | Yes |
Total instances | 368 |
Instances without missing values | 7 |
Attribute description
Attribute | Domain | Attribute | Domain | Attribute | Domain |
Surgery? | {1,2} | Mucous_membranes | {1,2,3,4,5,6} | Rectal_examination_feces | {1,2,3,4} |
Age | {1,9} | Capillary_refill_time | {1,2,3} | Abdomen | {1,2,3,4,5} |
Hospital_Number | [514279, 5305629] | Pain | {1,2,3,4,5} | Packed_cell_volume | [4.0, 75.0] |
Rectal_temperature | [35.4, 40.8] | Peristalsis | {1,2,3,4} | Total_protein | [3.3, 89.0] |
Pulse | [30.0, 184.0] | Abdominal_distension | {1,2,3,4} | Abdominocentesis_appearance | {1,2,3} |
Respiratory_rate | [8.0, 96.0] | Nasogastric_tube | {1,2,3} | Abdomcentesis_total_protein | [0.1, 10.1] |
Temperature_of_extremities | {1,2,3,4} | Nasogastric_reflux | {1,2,3} | Outcome | {1,2,3} |
Peripheral_pulse | {1,2,3,4} | Nasogastric_reflux_PH | [1.0, 8.5] | Surgical_lesion? | {1,2} |
Additional information
A data set about horse diseases. The task is to determine if the lesion of the horse was surgical or not. \\n \\n This is a modified version of the original data set (taken from UCI repository), where only a class attribute is considered (Surgical_lesion?).
In this section you can download some files related to the horse-colic data set:
- The complete data set already formatted in KEEL formatcan be downloaded from here.
- A copy of the data set already partitioned by means of a 10-folds cross validation procedure can be downloaded from here.
- A copy of the data set already partitioned by means of a 5-folds cross validation procedure can be downloaded from here.
- The header file associated to this data set can be downloaded from here.
- This is not a native data set from the KEEL project. It has been obtained from the UCI Machine Learning repository. The original page where the data set can be found is: