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KEEL-dataset - data set description

This section describes main characteristics of the vehicle1 data set and its attributes:

General information

Vehicle Silhouttes (Imbalanced: 1) data set
TypeImbalancedOriginReal world
Features 18(Real / Integer / Nominal)(0 / 18 / 0)
Instances846 IR2.9
% Positive instances25.64% Negative instances74.36
Missing values?No

Attribute description

Compactness[73, 119] Length_rectangular[118, 188]
Circularity[33, 59]Major_variance[130, 320]
Distance_circularity[40, 112]Minor_variance[184, 1018]
Radius_ratio[104, 333]Gyration_radius[109, 268]
Praxis_aspect_ratio[47, 138]Major_skewness[59, 135]
Max_length_aspect_ratio[2, 55]Minor_skewness[0, 22]
Scatter_ratio[112, 265]Minor_kurtosis[0, 41]
Elongatedness[26, 61]Major_kurtosis[176, 206]
Praxis_rectangular[17, 29]Hollows_ratio[181, 211]

Additional information

A imbalanced version of the Vehicle Silhouettes data set, where the possitive examples belong to class 1 (Saab) and the negative examples belong to the rest.

In this section you can download some files related to the vehicle1 data set:

  • The complete data set already formatted in KEEL format can be downloaded from herezip.gif.
  • A copy of the data set already partitioned by means of a 5-folds cross validation procedure can be downloaded from herezip.gif.
  • The header file associated to this data set can be downloaded from heretxt.png.

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