SOft Computing applications for Complex EnviRonments

Research Projects

  • Research projects at University of Granada:

    • UNESCO UniTwin Complex Systems Digital Campus (CS-DC) (
      Funding Institution and Reference: UNESCO University Twinning and Networking Programme.
      Period: August 2013 - July 2019
      Network Coordinators: Paul Bourgine (Ecole Polytechnique, President), Cyrille Bertelle (Le Havre University) and Pierre Collet (Strasbourg University) (Coordinators)
      Principal Researcher (UGR node coordinator): Dr. Oscar Cordón

    • Nuevos Desarrollos en Métodos Automáticos de Identificación Forense por Superposición Craneofacial Basados en Técnicas de Soft Computing
      (New Developments on Automatic Methods of Forensic Identification by Craniofacial Superimposition Based on Soft Computing Techniques)

      Funding Institution and Reference: Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa, Junta de Andalucía P11-TIC-7745
      Period: June 2013 - June 2017
      Principal Researcher: Dr. Oscar Cordón

    • Metodología Automática para Identificación Forense por Superposición Fotográfica usando Algoritmos Evolutivos, Lógica Difusa y Registrado de Imágenes
      (Automatic Methodology to Forensic Identification by Photographic Superimposition Using Evolutionary Algorithms, Fuzzy Logic and Image Registration

      Funding Institution and Reference: Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa, Junta de Andalucía P06-TIC-01619
      Period: April 2007 - March 2010
      Principal Researcher: Dr. Oscar Cordón

    • SOCOVIFI: Soft Computing y Visión por Ordenador en Identificación Forense
      (Soft Computing and Computer Vision in Forensic Identification)

      Funding Institution and Reference: Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2006-00829
      Period: October 2006 - September 2009
      Principal Researcher: Dr. Oscar Cordón

    • MASSIVE: Modelling Advice and Support Services to Integrate Virtual Components in Higher Education
      Funding Institution and Reference: European Commission. DG Education and Culture. E-learning Program. Contract 2004 - 3521 / 001 - 001 ELE-ELEB12
      Period: January 2005 - December 2006
      Principal Researcher: Dr. Oscar Cordón

    • Hibridación de Algoritmos Evolutivos y Algoritmos de Optimización Basados en Colonias de Hormigas. Aplicación al Aprendizaje de Bases de Reglas Difusas y a Problemas de Bioinformática
      (Hybridizing Evolutionary Algorithms and Ant Colony Optimization. Application to the Learning of Fuzzy Knowledge Bases and to Bioinformatics Problems)

      Funding Institution and Reference: Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC2003-00877
      Period: December 2003 - November 2006
      Principal Researcher: Dr. Oscar Cordón

    • Hibridación de Metaheurísticas y sus Aplicaciones
      (Hybridization of Metaheuristics and their Applications)

      Funding Institution and Reference: Universidad de Granada. ISB 2325
      Period: November 2002 - October 2003
      Principal Researcher: Dr. Oscar Cordón

  • Research projects at European Centre for Soft Computing:

    • SIMMRA: Metaheuristicas Mono- y Multi-Objetivo para Aplicaciones Reales: Equilibrado de Líneas de Montaje, Minería de Mapas Visuales de la Ciencia y Modelado Forense 3D
      (Single- and Multi-objective Metaheuristics for Real-world Applications: Assembly Line Balancing, Visual Science Map Mining, and 3D Forensic Modeling)

      Funding Institution and Reference: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2009-07727
      Period: January 2010 - December 2012
      Principal Researcher: Dr. Oscar Cordón, Dr. Sergio Damas

    • MIBISOC: Medical Imaging Using Bio-inspired and Soft Computing
      Funding Institution and Reference: European Commission. Marie Curie Actions. FP7-PEOPLE-ITN-2008. Contract Ref. 238819.
      Period: October 2009 – September 2013
      Principal Researcher (Global project coordinator): Dr. Oscar Cordón

    • PROCOGNIT2: Marco Tecnológico para la Cognición de Procesos Industriales
      (Technological Framework for Cognitive Technologies in Industrial Processes)

      Funding Institution and Reference: Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio PID-020100-2009-7
      Period: October 2009 - December 2010
      Principal Researcher (ECSC node coordinator): Dr. Oscar Cordón

    • RESULTA: Red de Consultoría para la Gestión de Procesos y Relaciones
      (Consulting Network for Processes and Relationships Management)

      Funding Institution and Reference: Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio. Proyecto Singular Estratégico. Subprograma Avanza I+D 2009. Prioridad Temática: Internet del Futuro. TSI-020301-2009-31
      Period: June 2009 - January 2011
      Principal Researcher (ECSC node coordinator): Dr. Oscar Cordón

    • mIO!: Tecnologías para Prestar Servicios en Movilidad en el Futuro Universo Inteligente
      (Technologies for Providing Services under Mobility in the Future Intelligent Universe)

      Funding Institution and Reference: Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial (CDTI). Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Proyecto del Programa de Consorcios Estratégicos Nacionales en Investigación Técnica CENIT-2008-1019
      Period: March 2008 - December 2011
      Principal Researcher: Tomás Cruz. Telefónica I+D
      Principal Researchers (ECSC node coordinators): Dr. Oscar Cordón, Dr. Gracián Triviño

    • PROCOGNIT: Marco Tecnológico para la Cognición de Procesos Industriales
      (Technological Framework for Industrial Processes Cognition)

      Funding Institution and Reference: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Proyecto del Programa Nacional de Proyectos de Investigación Aplicada. Subprograma Investigación aplicada-Centros Tecnológicos IAP-020100-2008-15
      Period: January 2008 - December 2008
      Principal Researcher: Dr. Eusebio Gainza. Fundación LEIA
      Principal Researcher (ECSC node coordinator): Dr. Oscar Cordón

  • Joint research projects:

    • SOCOVIFI2: Nuevos Desarrollos sobre Soft Computing y Visión por Ordenador en Identificación Forense
      (New Developments on SOft COmputing and Computer VIsion Techniques in Forensic Identification)

      Funding Institution and Reference: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2012-38525-C02
      Period: January 2013 - December 2015
      Principal Researchers: Global Coordinator at UGR: Dr. Oscar Cordón. ECSC node coordinator: Dr. Sergio Damas

    • MEPROCS: New MEthodologies and PROtocols of forensic identification by Craniofacial Superimposition
      Funding Institution and Reference: European Commission. FP7 Security Call. Topic SEC-2011.1.4-3 – Advanced forensic framework – Coordination and Support Actions. FP7-SEC-2011-1, Grant Agreement number 285624.
      Period: February 2012 - July 2014
      Principal Researchers: Global Coordinator at ECSC: Dr. Sergio Damas. UGR node coordinator: Dr. Oscar Cordón

Research Contracts

  • Research contracts at University of Granada:

    • Contrato de Asesoramiento y Apoyo Técnico al European Centre for Soft Computing
      (Scientific Consultancy for the European Centre for Soft Computing)

      Research Contract number 3076 between the Foundation for the Advancement of Soft Computing (European Centre for Soft Computing) and the University of Granada via the Research Transference Office
      Period: 1 October 2011 – 31 December 2014
      Principal Researcher: Dr. Oscar Cordón
      Number of participating researchers: 1

    • Estudio para la Definición de la Estructura Tecnológica y de Contenidos de la Unidad de Gestión del Conocimiento de Puleva Food
      (Study for the Definition of the Technological and Contents Structure of the Knowledge Management Unit of Puleva Food)

      Research Contract number 2087 between the company Puleva Food S.A. and the University of Granada via the Research Transference Office
      Period: 15 April 2004 - 14 April 2006
      Principal Researcher: Dr. Oscar Cordón
      Number of participating researchers: 5

  • Research contracts at European Centre for Soft Computing:

    • TOXDTECT: Embalaje Innovador para la Detección de la Calidad de la Carne Fresca y la Predicción de la Vida Útil
      (Innovative Packaging for the Detection of Fresh Meat Quality and Prediction of Shelf-life)

      Research Contract Inspiralia/TOXDTECT PROJECT/ECSC/2014-2015 between the company TECNOLOGIAS AVANZADAS INSPIRALIA SL and the European Centre for Soft Computing
      Period: 1 January 2014 – 31 December 2015
      Principal Researcher: Dr. Manuel Chica
      Number of participating researchers: 3

    • Segundo Modelo de Previsión de Producción de Parques Eólicos
      (Second Wind Farm Energy Production Forecasting Model)

      Research Contract IDI.PA4006 between the company EDP Renewables Europe S.L. and the European Centre for Soft Computing
      Period: 3 March 2013 – 31 October 2013
      Principal Researchers: Drs. Oscar Cordón and Manuel Chica
      Number of participating researchers: 4

    • Modelo de Previsión de Producción de Parques Eólicos
      (Wind Farm Energy Production Forecasting Model)

      Research Contract IDI.PA4003 between the company Nuevas Energías de Occidente S.L. (Neo Energía) (currently, EDP Renewables Europe S.L.) and the European Centre for Soft Computing
      Period: 1 September 2009 – 30 July 2011
      Principal Researcher: Dr. Oscar Cordón
      Number of participating researchers: 3

    • CAJACASH: Herramienta de optimización de efectivo en oficinas
      (Cash Flow Optimization Tool for Branch Offices)

      Research Contract between CajAstur and the European Centre for Soft Computing
      Period: 1 July 2009 – 1 March 2010
      Principal Researcher: Dr. Sergio Damas

    • Sistemas Inteligentes para la Racionalización y Optimización de Capacidades y Optimización de Capacidades y Operaciones en Tenneco Automotive
      (Intelligent Systems to Optimize the Capacities and Operations of Tenneco Automotive Ibérica)

      Research Contract IDEPA IDE/2007/000482 between the company Tenneco Automotive Iberica S.A. and the European Centre for Soft Computing. Funded by the Asturias’ Regional Government (Institute for the Economic Development)
      Period: 1 March 2007 – 28 February 2008
      Principal Researcher: Dr. Oscar Cordón
      Number of participating researchers: 3

  • Joint research contracts:

    • IDENTIMOD-ZIO: Herramienta de Apoyo a la Toma de Decisiones Estratégicas en Sistemas de Imagen Corporativa v1.0
      (Support Tool for Strategic Decision Making in Corporative Image System v1.0)

      Research Contract IDI.PA4005 between the company R0d Brand Consultants and the European Centre for Soft Computing
      Period: 15 February 2013 – 14 May 2014
      Principal Researchers: Drs. Oscar Cordón, Sergio Damas, and Manuel Chica
      Number of participating researchers: 7
    • Simulación social para estrategias de marketing. Aplicación al sector seguros y gran consumo
      Research Contract between the company R0d Brand Consultants and the European Centre for Soft Computing
      Period: 1 march 2014 - 1 september 2015
      Principal Researchers: Drs. Oscar Cordón, Manuel Chica, and Sergio Damas
      Number of participating researchers: 7