Minority Class with Shape as Paw (examples = 800, disturbance ratio = 60%, IR = 7) data set 1: Description. This is an artificial data set with 2 classes (the minority and the majority class) and 800 examples randomly and uniformly distributed in the two-dimensional space (both attributes were real-valued). The minority class is decomposed into 3 elliptic subregions of varying cardinalities, where two subregions are located close to each other, and the remaining smaller sub-region is separated. The borders of sub-regions in the minority class are disturbed increasing the ratio of borderline examples from the minority class subregions (the disturbance ratio) in 60%. 2: Type. Imbalanced 3: Origin. Laboratory 4: Instances. 800 5: Features. 2 6: Classes. 2 7: Missing values. No 8: IR: 7 9: Header. @relation paw02a-800-7-60-BI @attribute dim1 real [-63.0, 762.0] @attribute dim2 real [66.0, 990.0] @attribute class {0, 1} @inputs dim1, dim2 @outputs class