Iris plants (Imbalanced: 0) dataset 1: Description. This is an imbalanced version of the well-known Iris data set. There are 2 classes defined: positive (the old iris-setosa class) and negative (the old iris-versicolor and iris-virginica classes). 2: Type. Imbalanced 3: Origin. Real world 4: Instances. 150 5: Features. 4 6: Classes. 2 7: Missing values. No 8: Header. @relation iris0 @attribute SepalLength real [4.3, 7.9] @attribute SepalWidth real [2.0, 4.4] @attribute PetalLength real [1.0, 6.9] @attribute PetalWidth real [0.1, 2.5] @attribute Class {positive, negative} @inputs SepalLength, SepalWidth, PetalLength, PetalWidth @outputs Class