Red Wine Quality (Imbalanced: 4 vs rest) data set 1: Description. An imbalanced version of the Red Wine Quality data set, where the possitive examples belong to the class 4 and the negative examples belong to the rest of classes. 2: Type. Imbalanced 3: Origin. Laboratory 4: Instances. 1599 5: Features. 11 6: Classes. 2 7: Missing values. No 8: IR: 29,17 9: Header. @relation winequality-red-4 @attribute FixedAcidity real [4.6, 15.9] @attribute VolatileAcidity real [0.12, 1.58] @attribute CitricAcid real [0.0, 1.0] @attribute ResidualSugar real [0.9, 15.5] @attribute Chlorides real [0.012, 0.611] @attribute FreeSulfurDioxide real [1.0, 72.0] @attribute TotalSulfurDioxide real [6.0, 289.0] @attribute Density real [0.99007, 1.00369] @attribute PH real [2.74, 4.01] @attribute Sulphates real [0.33, 2.0] @attribute Alcohol real [8.4, 14.9] @attribute Class {positive, negative} @inputs FixedAcidity, VolatileAcidity, CitricAcid, ResidualSugar, Chlorides, FreeSulfurDioxide, TotalSulfurDioxide, Density, PH, Sulphates, Alcohol @outputs Class