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{0,1} @attribute TAG_immunoassay {0,1} @attribute TAG_immunoelectrode {0,1} @attribute TAG_immunosensor {0,1} @attribute TAG_information {0,1} @attribute TAG_informationretrieval {0,1} @attribute TAG_kaldesignresearch {0,1} @attribute TAG_kinetic {0,1} @attribute TAG_knowledge {0,1} @attribute TAG_knowledgemanagement {0,1} @attribute TAG_langen {0,1} @attribute TAG_language {0,1} @attribute TAG_ldl {0,1} @attribute TAG_learning {0,1} @attribute TAG_liposome {0,1} @attribute TAG_litreview {0,1} @attribute TAG_logic {0,1} @attribute TAG_maintenance {0,1} @attribute TAG_management {0,1} @attribute TAG_mapping {0,1} @attribute TAG_marotzkiwinfried {0,1} @attribute TAG_mathematics {0,1} @attribute TAG_mathgamespatterns {0,1} @attribute TAG_methodology {0,1} @attribute TAG_metrics {0,1} @attribute TAG_mining {0,1} @attribute TAG_model {0,1} @attribute TAG_modeling {0,1} @attribute TAG_models {0,1} @attribute TAG_molecular {0,1} @attribute TAG_montecarlo {0,1} @attribute TAG_myown {0,1} @attribute TAG_narrative {0,1} @attribute TAG_nepomuk {0,1} @attribute TAG_network {0,1} @attribute TAG_networks {0,1} @attribute TAG_nlp {0,1} @attribute TAG_nonequilibrium {0,1} @attribute TAG_notag {0,1} @attribute TAG_objectoriented {0,1} @attribute TAG_of {0,1} @attribute TAG_ontologies {0,1} @attribute TAG_ontology {0,1} @attribute TAG_pattern {0,1} @attribute TAG_patterns {0,1} @attribute TAG_phase {0,1} @attribute TAG_physics {0,1} @attribute TAG_process {0,1} @attribute TAG_programming {0,1} @attribute TAG_prolearn {0,1} @attribute TAG_psycholinguistics {0,1} @attribute TAG_quantum {0,1} @attribute TAG_random {0,1} @attribute TAG_rdf {0,1} @attribute TAG_representation {0,1} @attribute TAG_requirements {0,1} @attribute TAG_research {0,1} @attribute TAG_review {0,1} @attribute TAG_science {0,1} @attribute TAG_search {0,1} @attribute TAG_semantic {0,1} @attribute TAG_semantics {0,1} @attribute TAG_semanticweb {0,1} @attribute TAG_sequence {0,1} @attribute TAG_simulation {0,1} @attribute TAG_simulations {0,1} @attribute TAG_sna {0,1} @attribute TAG_social {0,1} @attribute TAG_socialnets {0,1} @attribute TAG_software {0,1} @attribute TAG_spin {0,1} @attribute TAG_statistics {0,1} @attribute TAG_statphys23 {0,1} @attribute TAG_structure {0,1} @attribute TAG_survey {0,1} @attribute TAG_system {0,1} @attribute TAG_systems {0,1} @attribute TAG_tagging {0,1} @attribute TAG_technology {0,1} @attribute TAG_theory {0,1} @attribute TAG_topic1 {0,1} @attribute TAG_topic10 {0,1} @attribute TAG_topic11 {0,1} @attribute TAG_topic2 {0,1} @attribute TAG_topic3 {0,1} @attribute TAG_topic4 {0,1} @attribute TAG_topic6 {0,1} @attribute TAG_topic7 {0,1} @attribute TAG_topic8 {0,1} @attribute TAG_topic9 {0,1} @attribute TAG_toread {0,1} @attribute TAG_transition {0,1} @attribute TAG_visual {0,1} @attribute TAG_visualization {0,1} @attribute TAG_web {0,1} @attribute TAG_web20 {0,1} @attribute TAG_wiki {0,1} @inputs 0 , 000 , 02 , 05 , 06 , 1 , 10 , 100 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 1997 , 1998 , 1999 , 2 , 20 , 2000 , 2001 , 2002 , 2003 , 2004 , 2005 , 2006 , 2007 , 24 , 25 , 3 , 30 , 4 , 40 , 5 , 50 , 6 , 60 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 95 , 98 , a , ab , ability , able , about , above , absence , abstract , academic , access , accessible , according , account , accuracy , accurate , achieve , achieved , acid , acids , acm , acquisition , across , act , action , activation , active , activities , activity , actual , adaptation , adapted , adaptive , added , addition , additional , address , addressed , addresses , advanced , advances , advantage , advantages , affect , affected , affinity , after , against , age , agent , agents , agreement , aim , aims , al , algorithm , algorithms , all , allow , allowed , allowing , allows , almost , along , alpha , already , als , also , alternative , although , always , am , american , amino , among , amount , amounts , amperometric , an , analyse , analyses , analysis , analytical , analyze , analyzed , analyzing , and , annotation , annual , another , answer , anti , antibodies , antibody , antigen , any , apo , apob , apolipoprotein , apparent , appear , appears , applicable , application , applications , applied , apply , applying , approach , approaches , appropriate , approximate , approximately , approximation , aqueous , arbitrary , architecture , architectures , are , area , areas , argue , argued , arguments , arise , around , art , article , articles , artificial , as , aspect , aspects , assay , assays , assess , assessed , assessment , associated , association , assumption , assumptions , at , atomic , atoms , attempt , attention , attractive , auch , auf , author , authors , automated , automatic , automatically , automation , availability , available , average , aware , b , back , background , barrier , base , based , bases , basic , basis , be , because , become , becomes , been , before , begin , behavior , behavioral , behaviors , behaviour , being , believe , below , benefit , benefits , ber , best , beta , betta , better , between , beyond , binding , bioinformatics , biol , biological , biology , body , boltzmann , bond , book , both , bound , boundary , brain , brief , briefly , broad , build , building , built , bulk , business , but , by , c , calculate , calculated , calculation , calculations , call , called , can , cannot , capabilities , capable , capacity , capture , carbon , care , carlo , carried , case , cases , catalytic , categories , cause , caused , cell , cells , center , central , century , certain , chain , chains , challenge , challenges , change , changes , changing , character , characteristic , characteristics , characterization , characterize , characterized , charge , charged , chem , chemical , chemistry , child , children , choice , cholesterol , chosen , class , classes , classical , classification , clear , clearly , clin , clinical , close , cluster , clustering , clusters , co , code , coefficient , coefficients , cognitive , collaboration , collaborative , collected , collection , combination , combined , combines , combining , commercial , common , commonly , communication , communications , communities , community , comparable , comparative , compare , compared , comparing , comparison , competition , competitive , complete , completely , complex , complexes , complexity , component , components , composed , composition , compounds , comprehensive , computation , computational , computed , computer , computers , computing , concentration , concentrations , concept , concepts , conceptual , concerning , concerns , conclude , conclusion , conclusions , condition , conditions , conducted , conf , conference , configuration , confirmed , connected , connection , connections , consequence , consequences , consider , considerable , considered , considering , consistent , consisting , consists , constant , constants , constraints , construct , constructed , construction , consumption , contact , contain , contained , containing , contains , content , context , contexts , continuous , contrast , contribute , contribution , contributions , control , controlled , conventional , cooperative , core , correct , correlated , correlation , correlations , corresponding , cortex , cost , could , coupled , coupling , course , create , created , creating , creation , criteria , critical , cross , crucial , crystal , cultural , culture , current , currently , curves , cycle , d , daily , das , data , database , databases , date , day , de , deal , decision , decisions , decrease , decreased , define , defined , defining , definition , degree , degrees , dem , demonstrate , demonstrated , demonstrates , den , density , depend , dependence , dependent , depending , depends , der , derive , derived , des , describe , described , describes , describing , description , descriptions , design , designed , designing , despite , detail , detailed , details , detect , detected , detection , determination , determine , determined , determining , develop , developed , developers , developing , development , developmental , developments , device , devices , dft , diagram , did , die , differ , difference , differences , different , differential , difficult , diffusion , digital , dimension , dimensional , dimensions , direct , directed , direction , directions , directly , discovery , discrete , discuss , discussed , discusses , discussion , disease , disorder , display , distance , distinct , distributed , distribution , distributions , diverse , dna , do , document , documents , does , domain , domains , done , double , down , driven , due , during , dynamic , dynamical , dynamics , e , each , earlier , early , easily , easy , economic , education , educational , effect , effective , effectively , effectiveness , effects , efficiency , efficient , efficiently , effort , efforts , ein , eine , einer , either , electrochemical , electrode , electron , electronic , electrostatic , elements , embedded , emergence , emerging , emphasis , empirical , employed , en , enable , enables , enabling , end , energies , energy , engine , engineering , enhance , enhanced , enough , entire , entities , entropy , environment , environments , enzyme , enzymes , equal , equation , equations , equilibrium , equivalent , er , error , errors , es , especially , essential , establish , established , estimate , estimated , estimates , estimation , et , etc , european , evaluate , evaluated , evaluating , evaluation , even , event , events , every , evidence , evolution , evolutionary , evolving , exact , examine , examined , examines , example , examples , excellent , exchange , execution , exhibit , exhibits , exist , existence , existing , exists , expansion , expected , experience , experiences , experiment , experimental , experimentally , experiments , explain , explained , explanation , explicit , explicitly , exploration , explore , explored , explores , exploring , exponent , exponents , expressed , expression , extend , extended , extension , extensive , extent , external , extraction , f , face , facilitate , fact , factor , factors , family , far , fast , faster , feature , features , feedback , few , field , fields , fighting , final , finally , financial , find , finding , findings , finite , first , fish , fit , five , fixed , flexibility , flexible , flow , fluctuations , fluid , fock , focus , focused , focuses , focusing , follow , followed , following , follows , for , force , forces , form , formal , format , formation , formed , forms , found , foundation , four , fraction , fragments , framework , free , frequencies , frequency , frequently , from , full , fully , function , functional , functionality , functions , fundamental , further , furthermore , future , g , game , games , gap , gas , gaussian , gene , general , generalized , generally , generate , generated , generating , generation , generic , genes , genetic , genome , geometry , give , given , gives , glass , global , glucose , go , goal , goals , good , gradient , graph , graphical , graphs , great , greater , ground , group , groups , growing , growth , guide , h , had , half , hand , hard , hartree , has , have , having , he , health , help , hence , here , heterogeneous , hierarchical , high , higher , highly , his , historical , history , homogeneous , how , however , http , human , hybrid , hydrogen , hypermedia , hypothesis , i , idea , ideas , identical , identification , identified , identify , identifying , identity , ieee , if , ii , iii , illustrate , illustrated , im , image , images , imaging , immobilized , immunoassay , impact , implement , implementation , implemented , implications , importance , important , improve , improved , improvement , improvements , improving , in , include , included , includes , including , increase , increased , increases , increasing , increasingly , indeed , independent , index , indexing , indicate , indicated , indicates , indicating , individual , individuals , induced , industrial , industry , infinite , influence , information , infrastructure , initial , initio , innovation , input , insight , insights , instance , instead , institute , int , integrate , integrated , integrating , integration , intelligence , intelligent , intended , interact , interacting , interaction , interactions , interactive , interest , interesting , interface , interfaces , intermediate , internal , international , internet , interpretation , into , intrinsic , introduce , introduced , introduces , introduction , investigate , investigated , investigation , involved , involves , involving , ion , ions , is , isolated , issue , issues , ist , it , items , its , itself , iupap , j , joint , journal , just , k , key , kind , kinds , kinetic , kinetics , know , knowledge , known , l , la , labeled , lack , language , languages , large , largely , larger , last , latent , later , latter , lattice , law , laws , layer , ldl , lead , leading , leads , learn , learned , learning , least , led , left , length , less , lett , letters , level , levels , libraries , library , life , light , like , likely , limit , limitations , limited , limits , line , linear , link , linked , links , lipid , lipoprotein , lipoproteins , liquid , list , literature , little , local , located , location , logic , long , longer , look , loss , low , lower , m , machine , made , magnetic , magnitude , main , mainly , maintaining , maintenance , major , make , makes , making , male , management , managing , manner , many , map , mapping , maps , market , markets , mass , matching , material , materials , mathematical , mathematics , matrix , matter , maximum , may , mean , meaning , meaningful , means , measure , measured , measurement , measurements , measures , measuring , mechanical , mechanics , mechanism , mechanisms , media , mediated , medical , medium , members , membrane , memory , metadata , method , methodology , methods , metrics , might , min , minimal , minimum , mining , mit , mixed , mixture , ml , mm , mobile , mobility , mode , model , modeled , modeling , modelling , models , modern , modes , modification , modified , mol , molecular , molecule , molecules , monitoring , monoclonal , monte , more , moreover , most , motion , motivation , movement , much , multi , multimedia , multiple , must , n , namely , national , natural , nature , navigation , near , necessary , need , needed , needs , negative , network , networks , neural , new , next , nicht , no , nodes , noise , non , nonlinear , normal , not , notes , notion , novel , now , number , numbers , numerical , numerically , numerous , o , object , objective , objects , observation , observations , observe , observed , obtain , obtained , occur , occurs , of , off , offer , offers , often , old , on , once , one , ones , online , only , onto , ontologies , ontology , open , operations , opportunities , optimal , optimization , optimized , or , order , organization , organizational , organizations , organized , orientation , oriented , origin , original , other , others , our , out , outcomes , output , outside , over , overall , overview , own , oxidation , p , pages , pair , pairs , paper , papers , paradigm , parallel , parameter , parameters , part , partial , participants , particle , particles , particular , particularly , parts , past , path , pathway , patients , pattern , patterns , people , peptide , per , perform , performance , performed , period , periodic , personal , perspective , perspectives , perturbation , ph , phase , phases , phenomena , phenomenon , phys , physical , physics , place , planning , plasma , platform , play , point , points , policy , political , polymer , poor , popular , population , position , positive , possibility , possible , post , potential , potentials , power , powerful , practical , practice , practices , pre , precise , precision , predict , predicted , prediction , predictions , preliminary , presence , present , presentation , presented , presents , pressure , previous , previously , primarily , primary , principle , principles , prior , probabilistic , probability , problem , problems , proc , procedure , procedures , proceedings , process , processes , processing , produce , produced , produces , product , production , products , profile , profiles , program , programming , programs , progress , project , projects , promising , properties , property , propose , proposed , proposes , protein , proteins , protocol , prototype , prove , provide , provided , provides , providing , psychology , public , published , purpose , q , qm , qualitative , quality , quantitative , quantities , quantum , queries , query , question , questions , quite , r , random , range , ranging , rapid , rapidly , rate , rates , rather , ratio , rdf , re , reaction , reactions , reading , real , realistic , reason , reasoning , recent , recently , receptor , recognition , recognized , record , reduce , reduced , reducing , reduction , reference , references , regarding , regime , region , regions , related , relation , relations , relationship , relationships , relative , relatively , relaxation , relevance , relevant , reliability , reliable , remains , report , reported , reports , represent , representation , representations , represented , representing , represents , require , required , requirements , requires , res , research , researchers , reserved , residues , resolution , resonance , resource , resources , respect , respectively , response , responses , restricted , result , resulted , resulting , results , retrieval , reuse , rev , reveal , revealed , reveals , reverse , review , reviewed , reviews , rich , right , rights , rise , risk , robust , role , roles , rule , rules , run , s , same , sample , samples , scale , scales , scaling , scenario , scheme , school , sci , science , sciences , scientific , search , second , secondary , section , see , seem , seems , seen , selected , selection , self , semantic , semantics , semi , sense , sensitive , sensitivity , sensor , separate , separation , sequence , sequences , series , serum , serve , service , services , set , sets , setting , settings , seven , several , shape , share , shared , sharing , shift , short , should , show , showed , showing , shown , shows , siamese , sich , side , signal , significant , significantly , similar , similarity , simple , simulated , simulation , simulations , simultaneously , since , sind , single , site , sites , situation , situations , six , size , sizes , skills , slow , small , smaller , so , social , society , software , solid , solution , solutions , solve , solved , solvent , solving , some , source , sources , space , spatial , special , species , specific , specifically , specification , specificity , spectrum , speed , spin , splendens , square , ss , stability , stable , stages , standard , standards , starting , state , states , static , stationary , statistical , statistics , status , step , steps , still , stochastic , storage , strategies , strategy , strength , strong , strongly , structural , structure , structured , structures , students , studied , studies , study , studying , subject , subjects , subsequent , substrate , success , successful , successfully , such , sufficient , sufficiently , suggest , suggested , suggesting , suggests , suitable , support , supported , supporting , supports , surface , surfaces , survey , symmetry , symposium , synthesis , system , systematic , systems , t , tagging , take , taken , takes , taking , target , task , tasks , teachers , teaching , technical , technique , techniques , technological , technologies , technology , temperature , temperatures , temporal , term , terms , test , tested , testing , tests , text , than , that , the , their , them , themselves , then , theoretical , theoretically , theories , theory , there , therefore , thermal , thermodynamic , these , they , third , this , those , though , thought , three , through , throughout , thus , time , times , to , today , together , too , tool , tools , top , topic , topics , topology , total , toward , towards , traditional , training , trans , transactions , transfer , transformation , transition , transitions , transport , treated , treatment , trends , true , turn , two , type , types , typical , typically , u , und , under , underlying , understand , understanding , understood , unified , uniform , unique , unit , united , universal , university , up , upon , us , usage , use , used , useful , user , users , uses , using , usually , utility , v , validity , value , values , variable , variables , variation , variations , variety , various , varying , vector , velocity , version , versus , very , via , video , view , views , virtual , vision , visual , visualization , volume , von , vs , w , was , water , wave , way , ways , we , weak , web , weight , well , werden , were , what , when , where , whereas , whether , which , while , who , whole , whose , why , wide , widely , wie , will , wird , with , within , without , word , words , work , working , works , workshop , world , would , written , www , x , xml , xxiii , y , year , years , yet , yield , yields , you , young , z , zero , zu , zur @outputs TAG_2005 , TAG_2006 , TAG_2007 , TAG_agdetection , TAG_algorithms , TAG_amperometry , TAG_analysis , TAG_and , TAG_annotation , TAG_antibody , TAG_apob , TAG_architecture , TAG_article , TAG_bettasplendens , TAG_bibteximport , TAG_book , TAG_children , TAG_classification , TAG_clustering , TAG_cognition , TAG_collaboration , TAG_collaborative , TAG_community , TAG_competition , TAG_complex , TAG_complexity , TAG_compounds , TAG_computer , TAG_computing , TAG_concept , TAG_context , TAG_cortex , TAG_critical , TAG_data , TAG_datamining , TAG_date , TAG_design , TAG_development , TAG_diffusion , TAG_diplomathesis , TAG_disability , TAG_dynamics , TAG_education , TAG_elearning , TAG_electrochemistry , TAG_elisa , TAG_empirical , TAG_energy , TAG_engineering , TAG_epitope , TAG_equation , TAG_evaluation , TAG_evolution , TAG_fca , TAG_folksonomy , TAG_formal , TAG_fornepomuk , TAG_games , TAG_granular , TAG_graph , TAG_hci , TAG_homogeneous , TAG_imaging , TAG_immunoassay , TAG_immunoelectrode , TAG_immunosensor , TAG_information , TAG_informationretrieval , TAG_kaldesignresearch , TAG_kinetic , TAG_knowledge , TAG_knowledgemanagement , TAG_langen , TAG_language , TAG_ldl , TAG_learning , TAG_liposome , TAG_litreview , TAG_logic , TAG_maintenance , TAG_management , TAG_mapping , TAG_marotzkiwinfried , TAG_mathematics , TAG_mathgamespatterns , TAG_methodology , TAG_metrics , TAG_mining , TAG_model , TAG_modeling , TAG_models , TAG_molecular , TAG_montecarlo , TAG_myown , TAG_narrative , TAG_nepomuk , TAG_network , TAG_networks , TAG_nlp , TAG_nonequilibrium , TAG_notag , TAG_objectoriented , TAG_of , TAG_ontologies , TAG_ontology , TAG_pattern , TAG_patterns , TAG_phase , TAG_physics , TAG_process , TAG_programming , TAG_prolearn , TAG_psycholinguistics , TAG_quantum , TAG_random , TAG_rdf , TAG_representation , TAG_requirements , TAG_research , TAG_review , TAG_science , TAG_search , TAG_semantic , TAG_semantics , TAG_semanticweb , TAG_sequence , TAG_simulation , TAG_simulations , TAG_sna , TAG_social , TAG_socialnets , TAG_software , TAG_spin , TAG_statistics , TAG_statphys23 , TAG_structure , TAG_survey , TAG_system , TAG_systems , TAG_tagging , TAG_technology , TAG_theory , TAG_topic1 , TAG_topic10 , TAG_topic11 , TAG_topic2 , TAG_topic3 , TAG_topic4 , TAG_topic6 , TAG_topic7 , TAG_topic8 , TAG_topic9 , TAG_toread , TAG_transition , TAG_visual , TAG_visualization , TAG_web , TAG_web20 , TAG_wiki