Image Segmentation data set 1: Description. This database contains instances drawn randomly from a database of 7 outdoor images (classes). The images were handsegmented to create a classification for every pixel. Each instance encodes a 3x3 region. The task is to determine the type of surface of each region. Attributes description: 1. Region-centroid-col: the column of the center pixel of the region. 2. Region-centroid-row: the row of the center pixel of the region. 3. Region-pixel-count: the number of pixels in a region = 9. 4. Short-line-density-5: the results of a line extractoin algorithm that counts how many lines of length 5 (any orientation) with low contrast, less than or equal to 5, go through the region. 5. Short-line-density-2: same as short-line-density-5 but counts lines of high contrast, greater than 5. 6. Vedge-mean: measure the contrast of horizontally adjacent pixels in the region. There are 6, and this is the mean value. This attribute is used as a vertical edge detector. 7. Vegde-sd: the contrast of horizontally adjacent pixels in the region. There are 6, and this is the standard deviation. This attribute is used as a vertical edge detector. 8. Hedge-mean: measures the contrast of vertically adjacent pixels. Used for horizontal line detection (mean) 9. Hedge-sd: measures the contrast of vertically adjacent pixels. Used for horizontal line detection (standard deviation) 10. Intensity-mean: the average over the region of (R + G + B)/3 11. Rawred-mean: the average over the region of the R value. 12. Rawblue-mean: the average over the region of the B value. 13. Rawgreen-mean: the average over the region of the G value. 14. Exred-mean: measure the excess red: (2R - (G + B)) 15. Exblue-mean: measure the excess blue: (2B - (G + R)) 16. Exgreen-mean: measure the excess green: (2G - (R + B)) 17. Value-mean: 3-d nonlinear transformation of RGB (see James D. Foley and Andries Van Dam. 1982. Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics. Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc., Boston, MA, USA) 18. Saturatoin-mean: (see James D. Foley and Andries Van Dam. 1982. Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics. Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc., Boston, MA, USA.) 19. Hue-mean: (see James D. Foley and Andries Van Dam. 1982. Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics. Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc., Boston, MA, USA.) 2: Type. Classification 3: Origin. Real world 4: Instances. 2310 5: Features. 19 6: Classes. 7 7: Missing values. No 8: Header. @relation segment @attribute Region-centroid-col real [1.0, 254.0] @attribute Region-centroid-row real [11.0, 251.0] @attribute Region-pixel-count real [9.0, 10.0] @attribute Short-line-density-5 real [0.0, 0.33333334] @attribute Short-line-density-2 real [0.0, 0.22222222] @attribute Vedge-mean real [0.0, 29.222221] @attribute Vegde-sd real [0.0, 991.7184] @attribute Hedge-mean real [0.0, 44.722225] @attribute Hedge-sd real [-1.5894573E-8, 1386.3292] @attribute Intensity-mean real [0.0, 143.44444] @attribute Rawred-mean real [0.0, 137.11111] @attribute Rawblue-mean real [0.0, 150.88889] @attribute Rawgreen-mean real [0.0, 142.55556] @attribute Exred-mean real [-49.666668, 9.888889] @attribute Exblue-mean real [-12.444445, 82.0] @attribute Exgreen-mean real [-33.88889, 24.666666] @attribute Value-mean real [0.0, 150.88889] @attribute Saturatoin-mean real [0.0, 1.0] @attribute Hue-mean real [-3.0441751, 2.9124804] @attribute Class {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7} @inputs Region-centroid-col, Region-centroid-row, Region-pixel-count, Short-line-density-5, Short-line-density-2, Vedge-mean, Vegde-sd, Hedge-mean, Hedge-sd, Intensity-mean, Rawred-mean, Rawblue-mean, Rawgreen-mean, Exred-mean, Exblue-mean, Exgreen-mean, Value-mean, Saturatoin-mean, Hue-mean @outputs Class