Thyroid Disease (New Thyroid) data set 1: Description. This data set is one of the several databases about Thyroid avalaible at the UCI repository. The task is to detect is a given patient is normal (1) or suffers from hyperthyroidism (2) or hypothyroidism (3) 2: Type. Classification 3: Origin. Real world 4: Instances. 215 5: Features. 5 6: Classes. 3 7: Missing values. No 8: Header. @relation newthyroid @attribute T3resin integer [65, 144] @attribute Thyroxin real [0.5, 25.3] @attribute Triiodothyronine real [0.2, 10.0] @attribute Thyroidstimulating real [0.1, 56.4] @attribute TSH_value real [-0.7, 56.3] @attribute Class {3, 2, 1} @inputs T3resin, Thyroxin, Triiodothyronine, Thyroidstimulating, TSH_value @outputs Class