Hepatitis data set 1: Description. This data set contains a mixture of integer and real valued attributes, with information about patients affected by the Hepatitis disease. The task is to predict if these patients will die (1) or survive (2). 2: Type. Classification 3: Origin. Real world 4: Instances. 80 (155) 5: Features. 19 6: Classes. 2 7: Missing values. Yes 8: Header. @relation hepatitis @attribute Age integer [7, 78] @attribute Sex integer [1, 2] @attribute Steroid integer [1, 2] @attribute Antivirals integer [1, 2] @attribute Fatigue integer [1, 2] @attribute Malaise integer [1, 2] @attribute Anorexia integer [1, 2] @attribute LiverBig integer [1, 2] @attribute LiverFirm integer [1, 2] @attribute SpleenPalpable integer [1, 2] @attribute Spiders integer [1, 2] @attribute Ascites integer [1, 2] @attribute Varices integer [1, 2] @attribute Bilirubin real [0.3, 8.0] @attribute AlkPhosphate integer [26, 295] @attribute Sgot integer [14, 648] @attribute AlbuMin real [2.1, 6.4] @attribute ProTime integer [0, 100] @attribute Histology integer [1, 2] @attribute Class {1, 2} @inputs Age, Sex, Steroid, Antivirals, Fatigue, Malaise, Anorexia, LiverBig, LiverFirm, SpleenPalpable, Spiders, Ascites, Varices, Bilirubin, AlkPhosphate, Sgot, AlbuMin, ProTime, Histology @outputs Class