Hayes-Roth data set 1: Description. An artificial data set created to test the behaviour of prototype-based classifiers. The hobby attribute was generated at random, thus it is employed to add noise to the data. This is a modification of the original UCI data set, where attribute name has been deleted, due to it only provided to the train data in the original source. 2: Type. Classification 3: Origin. Laboratory 4: Instances. 160 5: Features. 4 6: Classes. 3 7: Missing values. No 8: Header. @relation hayes-roth @attribute Hobby integer [1, 3] @attribute Age integer [1, 4] @attribute EducationalLevel integer [1, 4] @attribute MaritalStatus integer [1, 4] @attribute Class {1,2,3} @inputs Hobby, Age, EducationalLevel, MaritalStatus @outputs Class