************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** KEEL SOFTWARE TOOL - Open Source - V2012-02-16 ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** KEEL Version 2012-02-16 is available now. New features (from v2011-12-18): 1. Updated the Weighted Fuzzy Classifier (WF-C) algorithm implementation in the Fuzzy Rule Learning for Classification section. 2. Updated the Concept Most Common Attribute Value (ConceptMostCommon-MV) algorithm implementation in the Missing Values section (Data Preprocessing Family). 3. Updated the Event Covering Synthesizing (EventCovering-MV) algorithm implementation in the Missing Values section (Data Preprocessing Family). 4. Updated the Most Common Attribute Value (MostCommon-MV) algorithm implementation in the Missing Values section (Data Preprocessing Family). 5. Updated the Fuzzy K-means Imputation (FKMeans-MV) algorithm implementation in the Missing Values section (Data Preprocessing Family). 6. Updated the K-means Imputation (KMeans-MV) algorithm implementation in the Missing Values section (Data Preprocessing Family). 7. Updated the K-Nearest Neighbor Imputation (KNN-MV) algorithm implementation in the Missing Values section (Data Preprocessing Family). 8. Updated the Support Vector Machine Imputation (SVMimpute-MV) algorithm implementation in the Missing Values section (Data Preprocessing Family). 9. Updated the Weighted K-Nearest Neighbor Imputation (WKNNimpute-MV) algorithm implementation in the Missing Values section (Data Preprocessing Family). 10. Corrected a bug in the obtaining of results for Prototype Selection algorithms associated to classification problems. 11. Updated the help documentation associated to the data management module.