Page Blocks (Imbalanced: 0) data set 1: Description. A imbalanced version of the Page Blocks data set, where the negative examples belong to class text and the positive examples belong to the rest. 2: Type. Imbalanced 3: Origin. Real world 4: Instances. 5472 5: Features. 10 6: Classes. 2 7: Missing values. No 8: IR: 8.77 9: Header. @relation page-blocks0 @attribute Height integer [1, 804] @attribute Lenght integer [1, 553] @attribute Area integer [7, 143993] @attribute Eccen real [0.0070, 537.0] @attribute P_black real [0.052, 1.0] @attribute P_and real [0.062, 1.0] @attribute Mean_tr real [1.0, 4955.0] @attribute Blackpix integer [1, 33017] @attribute Blackand integer [7, 46133] @attribute Wb_trans integer [1, 3212] @attribute Class {positive,negative} @inputs Height, Lenght, Area, Eccen, P_black, P_and, Mean_tr, Blackpix, Blackand, Wb_trans @output Class