Weather Izmir dataset 1: Description. This file contains the wheather information of Izmir from 01/01/1994 to 31/12/1997. From given features, the goal is to predict the mean temperature. 2: Type. Regression 3: Origin. Real world 4: Instances. 1461 5: Features. 9 6: Missing values. No 7: Header. @relation wizmir @attribute Max_temperature real[36.7,105.0] @attribute Min_temperature real[15.8,78.6] @attribute Dewpoint real[13.6,64.4] @attribute Precipitation real[0.0,7.6] @attribute Sea_level_pressure real[29.26,30.48] @attribute Standard_pressure real[2.3,10.1] @attribute Visibility real[0.92,29.1] @attribute Wind_speed real[4.72,68.8] @attribute Max_wind_speed real[16.11,55.24] @attribute Mean_temperature real[29.4,89.9] @inputs Max_temperature, Min_temperature, Dewpoint, Precipitation, Sea_level_pressure, Standard_pressure, Visibility, Wind_speed, Max_wind_speed @outputs Mean_temperature