Delta Elevators 1: Description. This data set is obtained from the task of controlling the elevators of a F16 aircraft, although the target variable and attributes are different from the elevators domain. The target variable here is a variation instead of an absolute value, and there was some pre-selection of the attributes. 2: Type. Regression 3: Origin. Laboratory 4: Instances. 9517 5: Features. 6 6: Missing values. No 7: Header. @relation delta_elv @attribute climbRate real [-15.0, 15.1] @attribute Altitude integer [-100, 90] @attribute RollRate real [-0.0237, 0.0184] @attribute curRoll real [-0.051, 0.049] @attribute diffClb real [-0.8, 0.7] @attribute diffDiffClb real [-0.03, 0.02] @attribute Se real [-0.014, 0.013] @inputs climbRate, Altitude, RollRate, curRoll, diffClb, diffDiffClb @outputs Se @data