Vehicle Silhouettes (Imbalanced: 3) data set 1: Description. A imbalanced version of the Vehicle Silhouettes data set, where the possitive examples belong to class 3 (Opel) and the negative examples belong to the rest. 2: Type. Imbalanced 3: Origin. Real world 4: Instances. 846 5: Features. 18 6: Classes. 2 7: Missing values. No 8: IR 2.52 9: Header. @relation vehicle3 @attribute Compactness integer [73, 119] @attribute Circularity integer [33, 59] @attribute Distance_circularity integer [40, 112] @attribute Radius_ratio integer [104, 333] @attribute Praxis_aspect_ratio integer [47, 138] @attribute Max_length_aspect_ratio integer [2, 55] @attribute Scatter_ratio integer [112, 265] @attribute Elongatedness integer [26, 61] @attribute Praxis_rectangular integer [17, 29] @attribute Length_rectangular integer [118, 188] @attribute Major_variance integer [130, 320] @attribute Minor_variance integer [184, 1018] @attribute Gyration_radius integer [109, 268] @attribute Major_skewness integer [59, 135] @attribute Minor_skewness integer [0, 22] @attribute Minor_kurtosis integer [0, 41] @attribute Major_kurtosis integer [176, 206] @attribute Hollows_ratio integer [181, 211] @attribute Class {positive,negative} @inputs Compactness, Circularity, Distance_circularity, Radius_ratio, Praxis_aspect_ratio, Max_length_aspect_ratio, Scatter_ratio, Elongatedness, Praxis_rectangular, Length_rectangular, Major_variance, Minor_variance, Gyration_radius, Major_skewness, Minor_skewness, Minor_kurtosis, Major_kurtosis, Hollows_ratio @outputs Class