Zoo data set 1: Description. A simple database where the task is to classify animals in seven predefined classes and most of the attributes are boolean-valued. Classes (set of animals): 1: aardvark, antelope, bear, boar, buffalo, calf, cavy, cheetah, deer, dolphin, elephant, fruitbat, giraffe, girl, goat, gorilla, hamster, hare, leopard, lion, lynx, mink, mole, mongoose, opossum, oryx, platypus, polecat, pony, porpoise, puma, pussycat, raccoon, reindeer, seal, sealion, squirrel, vampire, vole, wallaby, wolf 2: chicken, crow, dove, duck, flamingo, gull, hawk, kiwi, lark, ostrich, parakeet, penguin, pheasant, rhea, skimmer, skua, sparrow, swan, vulture, wren. 3: pitviper, seasnake, slowworm, tortoise, tuatara. 4: bass, carp, catfish, chub, dogfish, haddock, herring, pike, piranha, seahorse, sole, stingray, tuna. 5: frog, frog, newt, toad. 6: flea, gnat, honeybee, housefly, ladybird, moth, termite, wasp. 7: clam, crab, crayfish, lobster, octopus, scorpion, seawasp, slug, starfish, worm. 2: Type. Classification 3: Origin. Real world 4: Instances. 101 5: Features. 17 6: Classes. 7 7: Missing values. No 8: Header. @relation zoo @attribute Hair {0,1} @attribute Feathers {0,1} @attribute Eggs {0,1} @attribute Milk {0,1} @attribute Airborne {0,1} @attribute Aquatic {0,1} @attribute Predator {0,1} @attribute Toothed {0,1} @attribute Backbone {0,1} @attribute Breathes {0,1} @attribute Venomous {0,1} @attribute Fins {0,1} @attribute Legs {0,2,4,5,6,8} @attribute Tail {0,1} @attribute Domestic {0,1} @attribute Catsize {0,1} @attribute Type {1,2,3,4,5,6,7} @inputs Hair, Feathers, Eggs, Milk, Airborne, Aquatic, Predator, Toothed, Backbone, Breathes, Venomous, Fins, Legs, Tail, Domestic, Catsize @outputs Type