MONK's Problem 2 data set 1: Description. The MONK's problems are a collection of three binary classification problems (MONK-1, MONK-2 and MONK-3) over a six-attribute discrete domain. Each problem involves learning a binary function defined over this domain, from a sample of training examples that belong to class 0 or class 1. This is the second problem of the collection, with no random noise added. 2: Type. Classification 3: Origin. Laboratory 4: Instances. 432 5: Features. 6 6: Classes. 2 7: Missing values. No 8: Header. @relation monk-2 @attribute A1 integer [1, 3] @attribute A2 integer [1, 3] @attribute A3 integer [1, 2] @attribute A4 integer [1, 3] @attribute A5 integer [1, 4] @attribute A6 integer [1, 2] @attribute Class {0,1} @inputs A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6 @outputs Class